Xplore Sample Clauses
Xplore. A Phase III Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Multicenter Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Xlucane versus pacientov s neovaskulárnou vekom podmienenou degeneráciou makuly Project / Projekt: 1009980 Location / Miesto: Slovakia Currency / Mena: EUR - Euro V1 (Screening) / N1 (skríning) 334,91 EUR V2 (Baseline) / N2 (vstup) 000,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 0) / X0 (xxxxxx 2) 00,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 0) / X0 (xxxxxx 4) 000,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 0) / X0 (xxxxxx 8) 000,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 00) / X0 (xxxxxx 12) 000,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 00) / X0 (xxxxxx 16) 000,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 00) / X0 (xxxxxx 20) 000,00 XXX X0 (Xxxx 00) / X0 (xxxxxx 24) 000,00 XXX X00 (Xxxx 00) / X00 (xxxxxx 28) 000,00 XXX X00 (Xxxx 00) / X00 (xxxxxx 32) 000,00 XXX X00 (Xxxx 00) / X00 (xxxxxx 36) 000,00 XXX X00 (Xxxx 00) / X00 (xxxxxx 40) 000,00 XXX X00 (Xxxx 00) / X00 (xxxxxx 44) 000,00 XXX X00 (Xxxx 00) / X00 (xxxxxx 48) 240,52 EUR V16 (EOT/Week 52) / N16 (EOT/týždeň 52) 289,89 EUR Screening Failure3 / Zlyhanie pri skríningu3 258,32 EUR Unscheduled Visit / Neplánovaná návšteva 141,42 EUR V2 (PK Subgroup) / N2 (podskupina s FK) 37,62 EUR V2b (PK Subgroup) / N2b (podskupina s FK) 42,66 EUR V8b (PK Subgroup) / N8b (podskupina s FK) 108,50 EUR Sample Collection (due to intraocular inflammation) / Odber vzorky (z dôvodu vnútroočného zápalu) 12,43 EUR Urine Pregnancy Test / Tehotenský test z moču 3,36 EUR Clinical Supplies4 up to 400.00EUR
Xplore graphic component only (specifically excluding all non-CAM aspects and interfaces (e.g., Ref Manager))
Xplore may enter upon lands to lay, construct, maintain, replace, operate and repair the fibre (Section 2.1).