Design Services Sample Clauses
Design Services. The Engineer shall perform services during the schematic design phase, the design development phase, the contract documents phase, and the bidding period as hereinafter specified.
Design Services. Design Services shall refer to and include all services set forth in a Professional Services Agreement with an architectural or engineering firm.
Design Services. The Consultant’s Basic Services shall include normal architectural, landscape architectural and engineering services consistent with the Project Requirements. The Consultant shall consider the schedule, program, and budget as well as aesthetics and alternative materials, building systems and equipment in developing the design for the Project. The Consultant shall submit Schematic Design Documents to establish the conceptual design of the Project illustrating the scale and relationship of the Project components and indications of major building systems and construction materials. The Consultant shall submit Design Development Documents based on development of the approved Schematic Design Documents. The Design Development Documents shall establish the scope, relationships, forms, size and appearance of the Project by means of plans, sections and elevations, typical construction details, and equipment layouts. The Design Development Documents shall include outline specifications describing the important items of work including the structural, mechanical, and electric systems, materials and such other items as may be appropriate. The Consultant shall submit Construction Documents based on development of the previously approved design Documents. The Construction Documents shall have complete and detailed requirements for construction of the Project. The Consultant’s estimated construction cost at each phase of design shall match the Project Budget. The Consultant shall identify program or design modifications which significantly affect the estimated construction cost at each phase of design. The Consultant shall assure the Owner that the value of the Base Bid design will not exceed the assigned construction contract amount in the Project Budget. Similarly, the value of Alternate Bid designs will not exceed the 5% bid contingency amount in the Project Budget. The Consultant shall assist the Owner in the development and preparation of bidding and procurement documents which include the Drawings and Specifications, General Conditions, sample contract forms, bid forms, and, when required by the Project, Alternate Bids, allowances, construction phasing, Contractor pre-qualification and Filed Sub-bids and other items compiled in the Project Manual.
Design Services. Design-Builder shall, consistent with the Request for Proposals issued by the Owner, the Design-Builder’s Proposal submitted in response thereto, and applicable state laws, provide design services, including architectural, engineering and other design professional services, required by this Agreement. Such design services shall be provided through qualified, licensed design professionals who are either (i) employed by Design-Builder, or (ii) procured by Design-Builder from independent sources. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create any legal or contractual relationship between Owner and any independent design professional.
Design Services. See University of Alabama Design Phase Deliverables Documentation Requirements for additional information and deliverables required for 30% Design Development submission. See Article 7.
Design Services. 1. Supplemental and/or lead design services may be required for various County projects. A- E shall conform to the requirements, criteria, standards and guidelines.
2. A-E shall submit electronic files containing all plan sheets and details which shall be compatible with the CAD drafting system (AutoCAD 2020 version) used by County and shall be suitable for inclusion in engineering reports. A-E shall submit electronic files containing all supporting calculations, software analysis, independent checks, quality take offs, estimates and specifications associated with the roadway or bikeway designs.
3. A-E may be required to produce exhibits and appendices that may include presentation drawings of various sizes for public presentations and in-house design seminars. Construction plans and/or detail exhibits sufficient to conduct design seminars and public meetings. All plan, profile and detail sheets prepared as construction drawings shall conform to the OC Public Works CADD guidelines and standards and shall be computer plotted on bond on standard 22” x 34” bond sheets. A-E will reproduce construction plans at ½ size (11” x 17”) for complete legibility at the reduced size. A-E may be required to prepare plans on bond with topography screened on the plan view. A title sheet with an index reference may also be required.
Design Services. If professional design services or certifications by a Professional related to systems, materials or equipment are specifically required of Construction Manager by the Contract Documents, Professional will specify performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Construction Manager shall cause such services or certifications to be provided by a properly licensed professional, whose signature and seal shall appear on all drawings, calculations, specifications, certifications, shop drawings and other submittals prepared by such professional. Shop drawings and other submittals related to the Work designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others, shall bear such professional’s written approval when submitted to Professional. Owner and Professional shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the services, certifications and approvals performed or provided by such Professional, provided Professional has specified to Construction Manager performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Professional will review, approve or take other appropriate action on submittals for the purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents.
Design Services. Design-Builder shall, consistent with applicable state licensing laws, provide design services, including architectural, engineering and other design professional services, required by this Agreement and as necessary to fully design the Project. Such design services shall be provided through qualified, licensed design professionals who are either (i) employed by Design-Builder or (ii) procured by Design-Builder. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create any legal or contractual relationship between Owner and any independent design professional. The Design-Builder is responsible for performing all the required design that is necessary to permit and construct the Work of the Project in accordance to all applicable codes and Project Performance Criteria. The PMT will decide how often to meet to review design, what format design review will be presented and the methods for making decisions regarding design and construction.
2.3.1 Design-Builder shall advise and work with Owner and its representatives to make recommendations for alternate or substitute technologies, construction techniques, methods and practices based on maintainability and durability as well as cost savings, time saving and/or other related efficiencies. Design-Builder’s design services will result in a Project design in accordance with the Contract Documents and suitable for its intended purpose. When the Contract Documents require or Design-Builder causes a Subcontractor of any tier to provide professional design services or certifications related to systems, materials or equipment, Design-Builder shall cause design services or certifications to be provided by properly licensed design professionals and shall ensure that all documents bear such design professional’s written approval. Owner shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the services, certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals. Design-Builder shall, at no cost to Owner, promptly and satisfactorily correct any of Design-Builder’s design services that are defective or not in conformity with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The obligations of Design-Builder to correct defective or non-conforming design services shall not in any way limit any other obligations of Design-Builder or other rights and remedies available to Owner under the Contract Documents or otherwise by law.
2.3.2 The PMT shall agree upon any interim design submissions the PEC may wish to review, wh...
Design Services. 3.6.1 Under separate agreement with the Owner, the Design Professional shall submit to Owner all required Design Submission Documents to describe the Project’s essential elements. The Design Submissions required of the Design Professional, will include Drawings, Specifications, cost estimates and other documents as may be necessary to fully identify the Project scope and materials. The CM@Risk shall submit detailed cost estimates as part of the design submission to the Owner. At the time of the scheduled submissions, CM@Risk, Design Professional and Owner shall meet and confer about the submission with CM@Risk and Design Professional identifying during the meeting, among other things, the evolution of the design and any significant changes or variances from the requirements of the Contract Documents, or previously submitted design submissions, and, if any, changes in anticipated costs.
3.6.2 Minutes of these design review meetings will be maintained by Design Professional and provided to all attendees for review. Following the design review meeting, Owner shall review and approve or reject the Design Submission within three (3) weeks from receipt. Owner may reject full or partial design submittals that do not conform with the Owner’s Project Criteria, overall Project concepts, and budgets, or for any other reasonable cause consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Upon such rejection the Design Professional shall redesign or reengineer the portion of the design rejected. CM@Risk shall revise the cost estimate at no additional cost, such that it meets Owner’s requirements. All variances from the Owner’s Project Criteria must be approved in writing by the Owner.
3.6.3 As necessary for the timely completion of the Work, the Design Professional shall submit to Owner for Owner’s review and approval or rejection, Construction Documents describing the requirements for construction of the Work. The Owner, Design Professional and CM@Risk shall have design review meetings to discuss Construction Documents consistent with section 3.6.1 above, and Owner shall review and approve or reject the Construction Documents within three (3) weeks of receipt from the Design Professional.
Design Services. 1. Supplemental and/or lead design services may be required for various County projects. A- E shall conform to the requirements, criteria, standards and guidelines.
2. A-E shall submit electronic files containing all plan sheets and details which shall be compatible with the CAD drafting system (AutoCAD 2020 version) used by County and shall be suitable for inclusion in engineering reports. A-E shall submit electronic files containing all supporting calculations, software analysis, independent checks, quality take offs, estimates and specifications associated with the roadway or bikeway designs.
3. A-E may be required to produce exhibits and appendices that may include presentation drawings of various sizes for public presentations and in-house design seminars. Construction plans and/or detail exhibits sufficient to conduct design seminars and public meetings. All plan, profile and detail sheets prepared as construction drawings shall conform to the OC Public Works CADD guidelines and standards and shall be computer heets. A-E will reproduce construction plans -E may be required to prepare plans on bond with topography screened on the plan view. A title sheet with an index reference may also be required.