Plan Administration AvMed may from time to time adopt reasonable policies, procedures, rules and interpretations to promote the orderly and efficient administration of this Contract.
Loan Administration Borrowings under the Loan shall be as follows: (a) A request for a Revolving Credit Loan shall be made, or shall be deemed to be made, in the following manner: (i) Borrower may give Lender notice of its intention to borrow, in which notice Borrower shall specify the amount of the proposed borrowing and the proposed borrowing date, not later than 2:00 p.m. Eastern time one (1) Business Day before the proposed borrowing date; provided, however, that no such request may be made at a time when there exists an Event of Default; and (ii) the becoming due of any amount required to be paid under this Agreement, whether as interest or for any other Obligation, shall be deemed irrevocably to be a request for a Revolving Credit Loan on the day following the due date in the amount required to pay such interest or other Obligation if such was not paid by Borrower on the due date. (b) Borrower hereby irrevocably authorizes Lender to disburse the proceeds of each Revolving Credit Loan requested, or deemed to be requested, as follows: (i) the proceeds of each Revolving Credit Loan requested under subsection 2.2(a)(i) shall be disbursed by Lender by wire transfer to such bank account as may be agreed upon by Borrower and Lender from time to time or elsewhere if pursuant to written direction from Borrower; and (ii) the proceeds of each Revolving Credit Loan deemed to be requested under subsection 2.2(a)(ii) shall be disbursed by Lender by way of direct payment of the relevant interest or other Obligation. (c) All Revolving Credit Loans, advances and other extensions of credit to or for the benefit of Borrower shall constitute one general Obligation of Borrower, and shall be secured by Lender's lien upon all of the Collateral. (d) Lender shall enter all Revolving Credit Loans as debits to a loan account in the name of Borrower and shall also record in said loan account all payments made by Borrower on any Obligations and all proceeds of Collateral which are indefeasibly paid to Lender, and may record therein, in accordance with customary accounting practice, other debits and credits, including (1) To demonstrate the methodology, the following is an illustration of the application of liquidity factors: If Borrower historically collects x% of invoices (where x is a number between 0 and 100) within the eligibility period as set forth herein, the liquidity factor would be x%, so that availability against such class of Accounts in the aggregate would be equal to Qualified Accounts multiplied by an x% liquidity factor and then multiplied by the 80% advance rate.
Grant Administration Grantee shall use the Grant funds only for the activities described in the approved Scope of Work. Grantee shall maintain financial records relating to the receipt and expenditure of all Grant funds in accordance with the terms set forth under this Agreement for a period of seven (7) years starting on the first day after final payment under the Agreement.
Settlement Administration 5.1. The Settlement Administrator shall, under the supervision of the Court, administer the relief provided by this Settlement Agreement by processing Claim Forms in a rational, responsive, cost effective, and timely manner. The Settlement Administrator shall maintain reasonably detailed records of its activities under this Settlement Agreement. The Settlement Administrator shall maintain all such records as are required by applicable law in accordance with its normal business practices and such records will be made available to Class Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel upon request. The Settlement Administrator shall also provide reports and other information to the Court as the Court may require. The Settlement Administrator shall provide Class Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel with information concerning Notice, administration, and implementation of the Settlement Agreement. Should the Court request, the Parties, in conjunction with the Settlement Administrator, shall submit a timely report to the Court summarizing the work performed by the Settlement Administrator, including a report of all amounts paid to each Settlement Class Member on account of Approved Claims. Without limiting the foregoing, the Settlement Administrator shall: (a) Forward to Defendants’ Counsel, with copies to Class Counsel, all documents and other materials received in connection with the administration of the Settlement Agreement within thirty (30) days after the date on which all Claim Forms have been finally approved or disallowed per the terms of the Settlement Agreement; (b) Receive requests for exclusion and other requests from the Settlement Class and promptly provide a copy of such requests to Class Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel upon receipt (“the Opt-Out List”). If the Settlement Administrator receives any exclusion forms or other requests from the Settlement Class after the Objection/Exclusion Deadline, the Settlement Administrator shall promptly provide copies thereof to Class Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel; (c) Provide weekly reports to Class Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel, including without limitation, reports regarding the number of Claim Forms received, the number determined to be rejected, the number of Approved Claims, and the number of calls to be paid per Settlement Class Member; and (d) Make available for inspection by Class Counsel or Defendants’ Counsel the Claim Forms, any documentation or other evidence submitted in support thereof, and any correspondence received by the Settlement Administrator at any time upon reasonable notice. 5.2. The Settlement Administrator shall employ reasonable procedures to screen claims for abuse or fraud, including without limitation, by cross-referencing the information provided on the Claim Form against the Class List, and by reviewing the evidentiary proof submitted by Settlement Class Members. The Settlement Administrator shall reject a Claim Form, or any part of a claim for a payment reflected therein, where there is evidence of abuse or fraud. The Settlement Administrator shall also reject a Claim Form that does not contain all requested information necessary to screen the claim for fraud or abuse, after giving the claimant a reasonable opportunity of no greater than twenty-one (21) days to provide any requested missing information. The Settlement Administrator shall notify the claimant regarding the missing information via email, telephone call or direct mail, whichever is the most practical based on the information provided in the Claim Form. The validation of all Claim Forms by the Settlement Administrator shall occur no later than fourteen (14) days after the Effective Date and the Settlement Administrator shall give notice of such validation to counsel on that date. 5.3. Defendants and the Class Representatives will have the right to challenge the number of calls received by each Settlement Class Member that are eligible for payment. All challenges will be presented to the Special Master who will make a binding determination as to the number of calls received by each Settlement Class Member entitled to receive payment on account of an Approved Claim. To effectuate such challenge, the party making the challenge must provide email notice to the Settlement Administrator, Special Master and opposing counsel informing them of the claim(s) that party seeks to challenge and the factual basis for that challenge within thirty (30) days of the Settlement Administrator’s validation of all Claim Forms as an Approved Claims determination of the number of calls entitled to a pro rata payment, and notice of the validation. Challenges must be made to individual or designated groups of Claim Forms; so-called “blanket” or “mass” challenges to all Claim Forms without differentiation will not be allowed. 5.4. For Settlement Class Members that submit a Claim Form indicating that they received three (3) calls or fewer, the presumption of three (3) calls can be rebutted by Defendants’ challenges. All other Settlement Class Members will have the ultimate burden if their Claim Form is challenged to demonstrate the number of calls, greater than one (1), that they received. 5.5. In the event of a challenge, the Settlement Administrator shall notify each Settlement Class Member via email, telephone call or direct mail, whichever is the most practical based on the information provided in the Claim Form, that (i) the Settlement Class Member must within thirty (30) days either submit supplemental documentation to prove each call claimed or schedule a telephonic hearing with the Special Master where the Settlement Class Member must testify as to the basis for each separate call claimed, (ii) the Settlement Class Member has the burden of proving the specific number of calls received, and (iii) that the Settlement Class Member will still receive a payment on account of an Approved Claim regardless of the outcome of the challenge. Following the Claims Deadline, but in no event later than one hundred eighty (180) days after Final Judgment, the Special Master will make a determination regarding the claims under challenge, including the number of calls received by the Settlement Class Member (1) based on the information already submitted, and (2) by requiring additional information in the form of (i) either supplemental documentation to prove each call claimed or testimony before the Special Master as to the basis for each separate call claimed. The Special Master’s determination regarding the claims under challenge shall be final and binding on the Parties. If the challenged Settlement Class Member does not timely submit the supplemental documentation or testify before the Special Master, the Special Master shall sustain the Defendants’ challenge and the Settlement Class Member will have an Approved Claim for one (1) call. If the challenged Settlement Class Member does timely submit the supplemental documentation or testify before the Special Master, the Special Master will then, in his sole discretion, make a determination as to the number of calls for which the Settlement Class member can recover. To the extent the Special Master sustains Defendants’ challenge, the Settlement Class member will be permitted to recover for at least one (1) call.
Construction Administration Redeveloper shall be responsible for all components of the Redeveloper Improvements constructed by Redeveloper including construction management, coordination of contractors and regulatory permitting and other requirements. Redeveloper and its contractor(s) shall reasonably cooperate with City contractors performing work in the vicinity of the Redevelopment Project Area including, but not limited to, Redeveloper's scheduling of its work to provide for a smooth sequence of operations. The Redeveloper will be solely responsible for payment of all construction costs for the Redeveloper Improvements as set forth in this Redevelopment Agreement.
Program Administration An activity relating to the general management, oversight and coordination of community development programs. Costs directly related to carrying out eligible activities are not included.
Project Administration The Contractor shall provide project administration for all Subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, and others involved in implementing the Work and shall coordinate administration efforts with those of the A/E and ODR in accordance with these Uniform General and Supplementary Conditions and provisions of Division 1 Specifications, and as outlined in the Pre- construction Conference.
Agreement Administration SBBC has delegated authority to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee to take any actions necessary to implement and administer this Agreement.
Claims Administration An employee will be required to comply with any and all rules and regulations and/or limitations established by the carrier or applicable third party administrator and contained in the policy, and employees and their dependents shall look solely to such carrier or third party administration for the adjudication of the payment of any and all benefits claims.
General Administration 13.1 The Managers shall handle and settle all claims arising out of the Management Services hereunder and keep the Owners informed regarding any incident of which the Managers become aware which gives or may give rise to claims or disputes involving third parties. 13.2 The Managers shall, as instructed by the Owners, bring or defend actions, suits or proceedings in connection with matters entrusted to the Managers according to this Agreement. 13.3 The Managers shall also have power to obtain legal or technical or other outside expert advice in relation to the handling and settlement of claims and disputes or all other matters affecting the interests of the Owners in respect of the Vessel. 13.4 The Owners shall arrange for the provision of any necessary guarantee bond or other security. 13.5 Any costs reasonably incurred by the Managers in carrying out their obligations according to Clause 13 shall be reimbursed by the Owners.