Common use of Xx Xxxxxx Clause in Contracts

Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze with add on options as required (see appendix 1a and 1b) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including LA maintained nursery pupil numbers. Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer  Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as back-up as needed from a dedicated Team of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone and email Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access support via Microsoft Teams software P4 Advice & guidance on current financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance governors during finance committee meeting as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting (subject to appropriate authorisation) P10 Access to accounting system enabling interrogation and review of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget data into accounting system (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need to be accounted for separately to the school revenue budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing with internal Investment of planned surplus schools’ balances. Please send your Letter of Intention to Invest from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner – prepared and integrated with HR offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Variance Report – compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 Preparation of school budget plan P28 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 Year-end financial statement P30 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 Provision of Monthly Finance Review Guidance manual on the Learning Gateway

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Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze with add on options as required (see appendix 1a and 1b) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including LA maintained nursery pupil numbers. Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer  Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as back-up as needed from a dedicated Team of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone and email Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access support via Microsoft Teams software P4 Advice & guidance on current financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar SBM P6 Communication with finance governors during finance committee meeting as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting (subject to appropriate authorisation) P10 Access to accounting system enabling interrogation and review of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget data into accounting system (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need to be accounted for separately to the school revenue budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing with internal Investment of planned surplus schools’ balances. Please send your Letter of Intention to Invest from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner – prepared and integrated with HR offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Variance Report – compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 Preparation of school budget plan P28 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 Year-end financial statement P30 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 Provision of Monthly Finance Review Guidance manual on the Learning Gateway

Appears in 1 contract


Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver for academies based on a bespoke service offering a range of pick and Bronze with add on mix options as required (see appendix 1a outlined below and 1b) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including LA maintained nursery pupil numbersAppendix 2. Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Team. Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Deputy Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of team leader and developing Academy Business Services Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer Officers  Responsible for the support and guidance delivery of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as back-up as needed from a dedicated Team P2 Telephone helpline P3 Prepare academic year salary forecast for budgeting/planning P4 Preparation of Finance Officers P2 Access monthly payroll journal P5 Input of monthly payroll journal P6 Monthly monitoring and report of variation to telephone and email Helpline (unlimited) P3 actual salaries against budget P7 Remote access support via Microsoft Teams software P4 Advice & guidance P8 Attend annual budgeting meeting at school location for Shropshire schools P9 Termly health check, advice and report on all establishments within the SLA agreement, this includes:  Review of income and expenditure nominal ledger codes  Review of control account balances  Review of Debtors and Creditors  Review of current commitments P10 Budget variance reporting Ad-hoc updates and advice on LA financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance governors during finance committee meeting as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting (subject to appropriate authorisation) P10 Access to accounting system enabling interrogation and review issues P13 Support closedown of accounts as needed directed P12 Attend half day termly finance monitoring meeting at school location for Shropshire schools P11 What we require from our office base P11 Input initial budget data into accounting you: Ref. C1 Customer to provide appropriate reports and documentation as requested within 5 working days. C2 Customer to provide read only access to data, either remote or licensed, cost of access to system (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need to be accounted paid by the customer. C3 Provider requests a minimum of 5 working days’ notice for separately preparation of reports. C4 Customer to the school revenue budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing with internal Investment of planned surplus schools’ balancesprovide initial training on accounts and budgeting system software. Please send your Letter of Intention Days/times during which services are available 9am – 5pm 9am – 4 pm *Monday – Thursday *Friday *Subject to Invest from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner – prepared and integrated with HR offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios with your schoolFinance Officer’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Variance Report – compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 Preparation of school budget plan P28 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 Year-end financial statement P30 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 Provision of Monthly working days Contact Details For more information Contact name Xx Xxxxxx Role Schools Finance Review Guidance manual on the Learning GatewayTeam Leader Telephone 00000 000000 Email Contact name Xxx Xxxxxxx Role Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader Telephone 00000 000000 Email

Appears in 1 contract


Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze plans as follows with add on options as required (see appendix 1a 2 and 1b3) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including  Bronze (available to LA maintained nursery pupil numbers. schools only)  Silver (for LA maintained or academies)  Gold (for LA maintained or academies) Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer  Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b2a) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial P1 Support initial set up of suppliers and update in line with accounting software requirements Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as backand support in the set up and on-up as needed from a dedicated Team going maintenance of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone the chart of accounts coding structure Attend school accounting software initial and email on-going training sessions Telephone Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access support via Microsoft Teams software P4 Advice & guidance Prepare academic year salary forecast for budgeting Salary spreadsheet with formulae available on current request annually Annual budgeting site visit with Business Manager Prepare commitment statement with multiple updates Prepare budget plan Prepare future year financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance governors during finance committee meeting budgets on request Preparation of monthly payroll journal Input of monthly payroll journal Input of journals and budget virements as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly Monthly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting of actual salaries against budget Bespoke monitoring reports as required such as EFA annual staffing return Remote Access support (subject to appropriate authorisationBomgar) P10 Access to accounting system enabling interrogation and review Support closedown of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget directed Assist with gathering data into accounting system (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers requested by the school’s accountants in order for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need them to be accounted for separately able to prepare and verify the school revenue statutory accounts (through on-site working over 1 ½ days per year) Benchmarking/sharing best practice on request Input of budgets as directed Update suppliers database in line with accounting software requirements What we require from you… Ref. Date required (if applicable) C1 Arrange annual meeting between Headteacher and Schools’ Finance Officer C2 Considering the needs of the School Development Plan, finalise the current and subsequent (where appropriate) year’s budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing plans. C3 Meeting between Headteacher and appropriate financial support to discuss:- • Actual Year End Carry forward • Finalising of the Budget Plan • Future NOR C4 Keep all financial records up to date (e.g. governors’ minutes in relation to financial issues) C5 Advise Schools’ Finance Officer of the following, to assist with internal Investment budget setting and monitoring: • Staffing changes and number of planned surplus schoolssupply days required. • Budget variations • One-off changes • Multi year changes C6 Send copy of Finance Committee minutes to Schoolsbalances. Please send your Letter of Intention Finance Officer and Finance Governors Days/times during which Services are to Invest from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner be available Monday prepared and integrated with HR offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Variance Report Friday 9am compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 Preparation of school budget plan P28 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 Year-end financial statement P30 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 Provision of Monthly 5pm Contact information For more information Contact name Xx Xxxxxx Role Schools Finance Review Guidance manual on the Learning GatewayTeam Leader Telephone 00000 000000 Email

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Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze plans as follows with add on options as required (see appendix 1a 2 and 1b3) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including • Bronze (available to LA maintained nursery pupil numbers. schools only) • Silver (for LA maintained or academies) • Gold (for LA maintained or academies) Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b2a) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial P1 Support initial set up of suppliers and update in line with accounting software requirements Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as backand support in the set up and on-up as needed from a dedicated Team going maintenance of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone the chart of accounts coding structure Attend school accounting software initial and email on-going training sessions Telephone Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access support via Microsoft Teams software P4 Advice & guidance Prepare academic year salary forecast for budgeting Salary spreadsheet with formulae available on current request annually Annual budgeting site visit with Business Manager Prepare commitment statement with multiple updates Prepare budget plan Prepare future year financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance governors during finance committee meeting budgets on request Preparation of monthly payroll journal Input of monthly payroll journal Input of journals and budget virements as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly Monthly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting of actual salaries against budget Bespoke monitoring reports as required such as EFA annual staffing return Remote Access support (subject to appropriate authorisationBomgar) P10 Access to accounting system enabling interrogation and review Support closedown of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget directed Assist with gathering data into accounting system (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers requested by the school’s accountants in order for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need them to be accounted for separately able to prepare and verify the school revenue statutory accounts (through on-site working over 1 ½ days per year) Benchmarking/sharing best practice on request Input of budgets as directed Update suppliers database in line with accounting software requirements What we require from you… Ref. Date required (if applicable) C1 Arrange annual meeting between Headteacher and Schools’ Finance Officer C2 Considering the needs of the School Development Plan, finalise the current and subsequent (where appropriate) year’s budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing plans. C3 Meeting between Headteacher and appropriate financial support to discuss:- • Actual Year End Carry forward • Finalising of the Budget Plan • Future NOR C4 Keep all financial records up to date (e.g. governors’ minutes in relation to financial issues) C5 Advise Schools’ Finance Officer of the following, to assist with internal Investment budget setting and monitoring: • Staffing changes and number of planned surplus schoolssupply days required. • Budget variations • One-off changes • Multi year changes C6 Send copy of Finance Committee minutes to Schoolsbalances. Please send your Letter of Intention Finance Officer and Finance Governors Days/times during which Services are to Invest from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner be available Monday prepared and integrated with HR offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Variance Report Friday 9am compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 Preparation of school budget plan P28 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 Year-end financial statement P30 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 Provision of Monthly 5pm Contact information For more information Contact name Xx Xxxxxx Role Schools Finance Review Guidance manual on the Learning GatewayTeam Leader Telephone 00000 000000 Email

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Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze with add on options as required (see appendix 1a and 1b) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including LA maintained nursery pupil numbers. Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as back-up as needed from a dedicated Team of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone Telephone and email Email Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access Access support via Microsoft Teams Bomgar software P4 Advice & guidance Guidance on your current financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance Finance governors during finance committee meeting as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that XXXXX accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting (subject to appropriate authorisation) P10 Access to accounting system XXXXX enabling interrogation and review of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget data into accounting system XXXXX (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system XXXXX P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need to be accounted for separately to the school revenue budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing with internal Investment of planned surplus schools’ balances. Please send your Letter of Intention to Invest by 30th September for investment from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner – prepared and integrated with HR system offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes Guidance Notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee Finance Committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios Pie Charts with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Multiple Year Variance Report – compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of monthly payroll data P27 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 XXXXX P28 Preparation of school budget plan P28 P29 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 P30 Year-end financial statement P30 P31 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 P32 Provision of Monthly Finance Review Guidance annually updated XXXXX download template and General Ledger training manual on the Learning GatewayGateway P33 Termly review/balance of up to two additional cost centres, for example Pupil Premium /Sports Grant. If separate monitoring, projection and/or budgeting is required for additional cost centres such as a Nursery please see separate ‘Finance Nursery Service Level Agreement.’ If other budgeting and monitoring support is required separate from the school please request a bespoke costing from your schools finance officer. P34 Download Benchmarking information and general interpretation of charts arising from Consistent Financial Reporting return to DFE Finance Training P35 Finance administration training for new head teachers/school business managers/administrators to cover the schools finance team SLA, budget monitoring and finance administration overview, XXXXX general ledger and monthly download training P36 Refresher finance administration training for existing head teachers/school business managers/administrators to cover the schools finance team SLA, budget monitoring and finance administration overview, XXXXX general ledger and monthly download training P37 Finance management training presentation for governors, deputy head teacher or aspiring leader P38 Nursery budgeting, monitoring and forecasting – see separate Service Level Agreement - appendix 1b P39 Monthly budget & transaction XXXXX download report – This report will be downloaded and emailed to your school within 6 working days of the period end enabling schools to regularly monitor budget expenditure and maintain records and controls in line with Audit requirements. This report is also available for schools to download themselves. P40 Monthly XXXXX Department report - This report will be emailed to your school within 6 working days of the period end enabling you to monitor budgets and expenditure on individual department cost centres. This report is only available via the Schools Finance Team. P41 Other bespoke finance training P42 Additional on-site visits

Appears in 1 contract


Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze plans as follows with add on options as required (see appendix 1a and 1b) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil including  Bronze (available to LA maintained nursery pupil numbers. schools only)  Silver (for LA maintained or academies)  Gold (for LA maintained or academies) Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer  Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as back-up as needed from a dedicated Team of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone Telephone and email Email Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access Access support via Microsoft Teams Bomgar software P4 Advice & guidance Guidance on your current financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance Finance governors during finance committee meeting as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that XXXXX accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Weekly Email to schools Financial Inputting (subject to appropriate authorisation) P10 Access to accounting system XXXXX enabling interrogation and review of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget data into accounting system XXXXX (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system XXXXX P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need to be accounted for separately to the school revenue budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing with internal Investment of planned surplus schools’ balances. Please send your Letter of Intention to Invest by 30th September for investment from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner – prepared and integrated with HR system offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes Guidance Notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee Finance Committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios Pie Charts with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Multiple Year Variance Report – compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of monthly payroll data P27 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system P27 XXXXX Inspire to Learn P28 Preparation of school budget plan P28 P29 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 P30 Year-end financial statement P30 P31 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 P32 Provision of Monthly Finance Review Guidance annually updated XXXXX download template and General Ledger training manual on the Learning GatewayGateway P33 Termly review/balance of up to two additional cost centres, for example Pupil Premium /Sports Grant. If separate monitoring, projection and/or budgeting is required for additional cost centres such as a Nursery please see separate ‘Finance Nursery Service Level Agreement.’ If other budgeting and monitoring support is required separate from the school please request a bespoke costing from your schools finance officer. P34 Download Benchmarking information and general interpretation of charts arising from Consistent Financial Reporting return to DFE Finance Training P35 Finance administration training for new head teachers/school business managers/administrators to cover the schools finance team SLA, budget monitoring and finance administration overview, XXXXX general ledger and monthly download training P36 Refresher finance administration training for existing head teachers/school business managers/administrators to cover the schools finance team SLA, budget monitoring and finance administration overview, XXXXX general ledger and monthly download training P37 Finance management training presentation for governors, deputy head teacher or aspiring leader P38 Nursery budgeting, monitoring and forecasting – see separate Service Level Agreement - appendix 1b P39 Monthly budget & transaction XXXXX download report – This report will be downloaded and emailed to your school within 6 working days of the period end enabling schools to regularly monitor budget expenditure and maintain records and controls in line with Audit requirements. This report is also available for schools to download themselves. P40 Monthly XXXXX Department report - This report will be emailed to your school within 6 working days of the period end enabling you to monitor budgets and expenditure on individual department cost centres. This report is only available via the Schools Finance Team. P41 Other bespoke finance training P42 Additional on-site visits

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Xx Xxxxxx. Schools Finance Team Leader Description of our service Schools Finance support services are available in three plans; Gold, Silver and Bronze with add on options as required (see appendix 1a and 1b) Bespoke services can be offered subject to availability, please enquire. We have included a new add on for schools buying into silver level service, a 3-year plan based on current staffing and previous year’s budget plan. Additional scenarios and changes can also be purchased on an hourly rate, subject to Team availability. Under other SLA details (Appendix 1a) you will also see time built in to help with the SFVS dashboard for Gold, should you require it and time scales for delivering our service. Our SLAs are charged on fixed basic sums plus a price per pupil, historically this has excluded Local Authority maintained nursery pupils. We have reviewed this for 20/21 and charges are now based on all Oct 19 pupil numbers including nursery. On this basis those schools with a LA maintained nursery pupil numberswill see their SLA charge increase. Individual responsibilities of our staff Roles Responsibilities Xx Xxxxxx Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for the management of Schools Finance Team Xxx Xxxxxxx Deputy Schools Finance Team Leader  Responsible for supporting the management of Schools Finance Team Named Schools Finance Officer  Responsible for the support and guidance of individual schools finances in line with the service level that they have selected. Our obligations and requirements (subject to buyback level see appendix 1a & 1b) What we will do for you: Ref. Financial Advice & Guidance P1 Access to a named Finance Officer as well as back-up as needed from a dedicated Team of Finance Officers P2 Access to telephone Telephone and email Email Helpline (unlimited) P3 Remote access Access support via Microsoft Teams Bomgar software P4 Advice & guidance Guidance on your current financial position P5 On site visits to discuss financial position with Head teacher/Bursar P6 Communication with finance Finance governors during finance committee meeting as directed by head. This can be substituted with second termly monitoring meeting P7 Additional termly financial health check and alert service P8 Ensure that Business World accounting entries are within Consistent Financial Reporting regulations via exception reporting P9 Finance updates available via Shropshire Learning Gateway and Gateway, Weekly Email to schools and Termly Newsletters Financial Inputting (subject to appropriate authorisation) P10 Access to accounting system Business World enabling interrogation and review of accounts as needed from our office base P11 Input initial budget data into accounting system Business World (including initial department budgets) P12 Annually set up suite of monitoring reports P13 Input journal transfers for Internal Recharges to other schools and Shropshire Council establishments linked to accounting system Business World P14 Input in year Budget Variations P15 Support and input corrections and journal transfers within own schools’ accounts P16 Proactively consider and notify school of suggested journals and budget variations to ensure financial reporting is consistent with schools reporting requirements and planning P17 Year-end accounting adjustments (accruals & prepayments) Including dealing with other grant funded activities which need to be accounted for separately to the school revenue budget such as extended school provision P18 Dealing with internal Investment of planned surplus schools’ balances. Please send your Letter of Intention to Invest by 30th September for investment from the following 1st April by 30th September Financial Reporting P19 Provision of Staffing Budget Planner – prepared and integrated with HR offering live data plus ability to create scenarios and costings. The Staffing Budget Planner and guidance notes Guidance Notes may be emailed to those schools requesting it. P20 Termly monitoring and projection reports produced P21 Prepare and email reports in advance of meetings (subject to sufficient time being given) P22 Preparation and presentation of required finance committee Finance Committee reports P23 Monitor salaries and highlight variations to budget P24 Access to pie charts and ratios Pie Charts with your school’s projected current year expenditure and income enabling comparison P25 Access to multiple year Multiple Year Variance Report – compares previous year outturn against projected current year and future years with % and £ variations with tolerance indicators to support senior management decisions and planning P26 Provision of costings, scenarios or detailed analysis reports from accounting system Business World P27 Preparation of school budget plan P28 Prepare future year budget forecast P29 Year-end financial statement P30 Submission of Consistent Financial Reporting data to Department for Education P31 Provision of Monthly Finance Review Guidance annually updated Business World download template and General Ledger training manual on the Learning GatewayGateway P32 Termly review/balance of up to two additional cost centres, for example Pupil Premium /Sports Grant. If separate monitoring, projection and/or budgeting is required for additional cost centres such as a Nursery please see separate ‘Finance Nursery Service Level Agreement.’ If other budgeting and monitoring support is required separate from the school please request a bespoke costing from your schools finance officer. P33 Download Benchmarking information and general interpretation of charts arising from Consistent Financial Reporting return to DFE Finance Training P34 Finance administration training for new head teachers/school business managers/administrators to cover the schools finance team SLA, budget monitoring and finance administration overview, Business World general ledger and monthly download training P35 Refresher finance administration training for existing head teachers/school business managers/administrators to cover the schools finance team SLA, budget monitoring and finance administration overview, Business World general ledger and monthly download training P36 Finance management training presentation for governors, deputy head teacher or aspiring leader P37 Nursery budgeting, monitoring and forecasting – see separate Service Level Agreement - appendix 1b P38 Monthly budget & transaction Business World download report – This report will be downloaded and emailed to your school within 6 working days of the period end enabling schools to regularly monitor budget expenditure and maintain records and controls in line with Audit requirements. This report is also available for schools to download themselves. P39 Other bespoke finance training P40 Additional on-site visits

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