Xxx Xxxxxxxx I certify that I am a legal United States citizen, or possess legal residency, or visitor status to be in the United States, and that I shall provide proof of said legal status if requested prior to or during any American Legion national-level ALB participation. I further understand that I shall be denied participation in any American Legion national-level youth programs if I refuse to comply with providing proof of said legal status, or are not legally in the United States. Player’s signature Player’s printed name Date I am a parent with legal custody or legal guardian of the above player and hereby consent and agree to the foregoing terms and provisions on the above player’s behalf. Parent’s or legal guardian’s signature Parent's or legal guardian's printed name Player’s name (first, middle, last) Parent’s home address (street address, city, state, ZIP) Parent’s telephone number Emergency contact person & phone number Medical Insurance Policy # Family physician & phone number High school attended Year of graduation School enrollment (grades 10, 11, 12) Player’s email address Player’s Birth Date (Month/Year) Primary position Player’s height Player’s weight
Xxx Xxxxxxx If the Parties do not agree on an Adjudicator the Adjudicator will be appointed by the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA).