Month A period commencing at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, on the first Day of a calendar month and extending until 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, on the first Day of the next succeeding calendar month. Monthly shall have the correlative meaning.
Calendar Quarter January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December.
consecutive months If the Employer extends an individual employee’s trial service period, the Employer will provide the employee with written reasons for the extension. Employees in an in-training appointment will follow the provisions outlined in Subsection 4.3 E.
week period During each bi-weekly pay period there shall be four (4) days off of which two (2) shall be scheduled as consecutive days off. The Employer will endeavour to provide schedules of not more than five
Billing Period The calendar month shall be the standard period for all charges and payments under this Agreement. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day following the end of each month, Seller shall render to Buyer an invoice for the payment obligations incurred hereunder during the preceding month, based on the Energy Delivered in the preceding month, and any RECs deposited in Buyer’s GIS account or a GIS account designated by Buyer to Seller in writing in the preceding month. Such invoice shall contain supporting detail for all charges reflected on the invoice, and Seller shall provide Buyer with additional supporting documentation and information as Buyer may request.
months The provisions of the Contract will apply (subject to any Variation or adjustment to the Contract Price pursuant to clause C4 (Price adjustment on extension of the Initial Contract Period)) throughout any such extended period.
Contract Year A twelve (12) month period during the term of the Agreement commencing on the Effective Date and each anniversary thereof.
Meal Period A Contractor shall schedule an unpaid period of not more than 1/2 hour duration at the work location between the 3rd and 5th hour of the scheduled shift. A Contractor may, for efficiency of operation, establish a schedule which coordinates the meal periods of two or more crafts. If an employee is required to work through the meal period, the employee shall be compensated in a manner established in the applicable Schedule A.
Break Period All employees working in full time (7 or 7.5 hour) positions shall be permitted a fifteen (15) minute rest period both in the first half and the second half of a shift.
Christmas Period relating to scheduling during this period will apply, except as modified to confirm that the weekend shift employee will continue to work weekends during this period.