Other Fund definition
Examples of Other Fund in a sentence
The dollar amount (including all applicable taxes) of all fund administrative expenses (net of absorptions) that the Manager recovers from a Fund is reported in footnote Administrative and Other Fund Operating Expenses on the Statements of Comprehensive Income.Brokerage Arrangements and Soft DollarsThe Portfolio Advisor generally delegates trading and execution authority to the portfolio sub-advisors.
The dollar amount (including all applicable taxes) of all fund administrative expenses (net of absorptions) that the Manager recovers from the Fund is reported in footnote Administrative and Other Fund Operating Expenses on the Statements of Comprehensive Income.
Fund Expenses: Other Fund expenses including those related to unconsummated investments will be paid first from Interest Amounts as provided for in the above Distribution footnote.
Contributions are to be remitted in accordance with Article 13, Payment of Welfare and Other Fund Contributions, Administration and Union Dues.
We may reclassify an existing investment option as an Other Fund or remove such designation upon prior notice to you.