Your Right to end your Tenancy Sample Clauses

Your Right to end your Tenancy. 25.1 If you want to end your Tenancy, unless we agree something else in writing you must give us at least four weeks written notice and this must be delivered to your local housing office. The period of written notice that you give must end on a Monday.
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Related to Your Right to end your Tenancy

  • Your Right to Cancel You can cancel this Agreement by giving written notice to us within 5 business days of being handed a completed copy of this Agreement; or within 7 business days of receipt if the completed Agreement is emailed or sent to you electronically; or within 9 business days of the date the completed Agreement was posted to you (if applicable). Saturdays, Sundays and national public holidays are not counted as business days. You can physically give the notice to us or our employee or agent, post the notice to us or our agent or email the notice to our email address listed in these Commercial Terms. If you cancel this Agreement, you must immediately repay the Loan and any interest accrued for the period starting on the day you get the Loan until the day you repay us in full (if relevant). You must also reimburse us for any reasonable expenses we have to pay in connection with this Agreement and its cancellation, including legal fees and credit report fees. This statement is only a summary of your cancellation rights and obligations. If you want more information, or if you think that we are being unreasonable in any way, you should seek legal advice immediately. WHAT CAN YOU DO IF YOU SUFFER UNFORESEEN HARDSHIP? If you are unable reasonably to keep up your payments because of illness, injury, loss of employment, the end of a relationship, or other reasonable cause, you may be able to ask us to vary the terms of this Agreement (we call this a Hardship Variation). To apply for a Hardship Variation, you need to:

  • Your Rights When it comes to your health information, you have certain rights. This section explains your rights and some of our responsibilities to help you.  Get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record You can ask to see or get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other health information we have about you. Ask us how to do this. We will provide a copy or a summary of your health information, usually within 30 days of your request. We may charge a reasonable, cost- based fee.  Ask us to correct your medical record You can ask us to correct health information about you that you think is incorrect or incomplete. Ask us how to do this. We may say “no” to your request, but we’ll tell you why in writing within 60 days.  Request confidential communications You can ask us to contact you in a specific way (for example, home or office phone) or to send mail to a different address. We will say “yes” to all reasonable requests.  Ask us to limit what we use or share You can ask us not to use or share certain health information for treatment, payment, or our operations. We are not required to agree to your request, and we may say “no” if it would affect your care. If you pay for a service or health care item out-of-pocket in full, you can ask us not to share that information for the purpose of payment or our operations with your health insurer. We will say “yes” unless a law requires us to share that information.  Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared information You can ask for a list (accounting) of the times we’ve shared your health information for six years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with, and why. We will include all the disclosures except for those about treatment, payment, and health care operations, and certain other disclosures (such as any you asked us to make). We’ll provide one accounting a year for free but will charge a reasonable, cost-based fee if you ask for another one within 12 months.  Get a copy of this privacy notice You can ask for a paper copy of this notice at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the notice electronically. We will provide you with a paper copy promptly.  Choose someone to act for you If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights and make choices about your health information. We will make sure the person has this authority and can act for you before we take any action.  File a complaint if you feel your rights are violated You can complain if you feel we have violated your rights by contacting our Clinical Director and Privacy Officer, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, LCSW at 314.336.1041. You can also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights by sending a letter to 000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, X.X., Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000, calling 1-877- 000-0000, or visiting We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint. Your Choices For certain health information, you can tell us your choices about what we share. If you have a clear preference for how we share your information in the situations described below, talk to us. Tell us what you want us to do, and we will follow your instructions. In these cases, you have both the right and choice to tell us to:  Share information with your family, close friends, or others involved in your care  Share information in a disaster relief situation If you are not able to tell us your preference, for example if you are unconscious, we may go ahead and share your information if we believe it is in your best interest. We may also share your information when needed to lessen a serious and imminent threat to health or safety. In these cases we never share your information unless you give us written permission:  Marketing purposes  Most sharing of psychotherapy notes  In the case of fundraising, we may contact you for fundraising efforts, but you can tell us not to contact you again.

  • Our Right to Receive and Release Information About You We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your healthcare information. However, in order for us to make available quality, cost-effective healthcare coverage to you, we may release and receive information about your health, treatment, and condition to or from authorized providers and insurance companies, among others. We may give or get this information, as permitted by law, for certain purposes, including, but not limited to: • adjudicating health insurance claims; • administration of claim payments; • healthcare operations; • case management and utilization review; • coordination of healthcare coverage; and • health oversight activities. Our release of information about you is regulated by law. Please see the Rhode Island Confidentiality of HealthCare Communications and Information Act, R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 5-37.3-1 et seq. the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, and implementing regulations, 45 C.F.R. §§ 160.101 et seq. (collectively “HIPAA”), the Xxxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Financial Modernization Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 6801-6908, the Rhode Island Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner (OHIC) Regulation 100.

  • Your Right to Terminate You may also terminate this Client Agreement or close your Account at any time by giving us written notice. Your Account will be closed as soon as reasonably practicable after we have received notice, all open Contracts are closed, Orders are cancelled, and all of your obligations are discharged.

  • LANDLORD'S RIGHT TO ENTER Landlord and its agents shall have the right to enter the Leased Premises during normal business hours after giving Tenant reasonable notice and subject to Tenant’s reasonable security measures for the purpose of (i) inspecting the same; (ii) showing the Leased Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagees or tenants; (iii) making necessary alterations, additions or repairs; and (iv) performing any of Tenant’s obligations when Tenant has failed to do so. Landlord shall have the right to enter the Leased Premises during normal business hours (or as otherwise agreed), subject to Tenant’s reasonable security measures, for purposes of supplying any maintenance or services agreed to be supplied by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to enter the Outside Areas during normal business hours for purposes of (i) inspecting the exterior of the Building and the Outside Areas; (ii) posting notices of nonresponsibility (and for such purposes Tenant shall provide Landlord at least thirty days’ prior written notice of any work to be performed on the Leased Premises); and (iii) supplying any services to be provided by Landlord. Any entry into the Leased Premises or the Outside Areas obtained by Landlord in accordance with this paragraph shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of, the Leased Premises, or an eviction, actual or constructive of Tenant from the Leased Premises or any portion thereof.

  • See Your Right to Reject Arbitration below. For this section, you and us includes any corporate parents, subsidiaries, affiliates or related persons or entities. Claim means any current or future claim, dispute or controversy relating to your Account(s), this Agreement, or any agreement or relationship you have or had with us, except for the validity, enforceability or scope of the Arbitration provision. Claim includes but is not limited to: (1) initial claims, counterclaims, crossclaims and third-party claims;

  • Information About Your Right to Dispute Errors In case of errors or questions about your Card Account, call 0-000-000-0000 or write to Cardholder Services, X.X. Xxx 000000, Xxxxxxxxxxxx, XX, 00000. if you think an error has occurred on your Card Account or if you need more information about a transaction listed on your electronic or written history or receipt. We must allow you to report an error until sixty (60) days after the earlier of the date you electronically access your Card Account, if the error could be viewed in your electronic history, or the date we sent the FIRST written history on which the error appeared. You may request a written history of your transactions at any time by calling 0-000-000-0000 or writing to X.X. Xxx 000000, Xxxxxxxxxxxx, XX, 00000. You will need to tell us:

  • Right to Receive and Release Needed Information Certain facts are needed to apply these COB rules. The Plan has the right to de­ cide which facts it needs. It may get needed facts from or give them to any other organization or person. The Plan need not tell, or get the consent of, any person to do this. Each person claiming benefits under this Benefit Program must give the Plan any facts it needs to pay the Claim. FACILITY OF PAYMENT A payment made under another Benefit Program may include an amount that should have been paid under this Benefit Program. If it does, the Plan may pay that amount to the organization that made the payment under the other Benefit Program. That amount will then be treated as though it were a benefit paid under this Benefit Program. The Plan will not have to pay that amount again. The term “payment made” includes providing benefits in the form of services, in which case “payment made” means reasonable cash value of the benefits provided in the form of services. RIGHT OF RECOVERY If the amount of payments made by the Plan is more than it should have paid un­ der this COB provision, it may recover the excess from one or more of:

  • Your Agreement If one or more Potential Changes in Control occur during the Term of this Agreement, you agree not to resign for at least six full calendar months after a Potential Change in Control occurs, except as follows: (a) you may resign after a Change in Control occurs; (b) you may resign if you are given Good Reason to do so; and (c) you may terminate employment on account of retirement on or after 65 or because you become unable to work due to serious illness or injury.

  • Our Rights You acknowledge that We are not obligated to use Your Contribution as part of the Material and may decide to include any Contribution We consider appropriate.

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