Zeijlstra Sample Clauses

Zeijlstra. In his paper, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx tackles the question of labelling of syntactic struc- ture, notably, in a case of merger between 𝛼 and 𝛽, which projects a label to the mother node. This question has attracted attention in recent work, with a variety of proposals to answer the question. Xxxxxxxxx proposes to follow the projection by selection approach (Xxxxx 2003), where it is commonly held that the element that does the selecting (i.e. the head of the object) is the one that projects its features. Xxxxxxxxx identifies six issues for this approach, such as finding an appropriate motivation for the grammar to work this way, handling cases of adjunction, or- xxxxxx of merges amongst others. Issues such as these have caused people to have doubts about the overall approach and propose alternative mechanisms in recent years. Of particular relevance to this volume is that such a system is extremely local, since labels are determined at the relationship of sisterhood. Agreement on the other hand does not appear to work in such a strictly local manner. Zeijlstra offers a system of labelling whereby the determiner of the label is not solely the one that does the selecting, but rather labelling is effectively set union: all the features that are carried on the two objects project upwards. The exception is features that have already been checked by a matching feature. agree in such a system can be seen as a case of delayed selection, in the sense that the features of the goal percolate up to the tree until they meet the features on the probe. As Xxxxxxxxx puts it, “[w]hat looks like a non-local long-distance checking relation is nothing but postponed selection under sisterhood.” Xxxxxxxxx shows that by han- dling labelling in this way allows for the challenges to the projection by selection approach to be overcome, and offers an interesting perspective on other phe- nomena, such as the nature of grammatical features, differences amongst lexical categories, as well as the difference between argumental and adjunct PPs.
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