允许的许可使用方式和限制 Sample Clauses

允许的许可使用方式和限制. A. 许可证。在必须遵守本许可证条款和条件的情况下,除非阁下是如第2B条所述获取Apple 软件,否则阁下有权依照Mac App Store产品使用规则 (“使用规则”,该规则列载于App Store的条款和条件(http:// xxx.xxxxx.xxx/xxxxx/xxxxxx/xx/)使用Apple 软件,并且阁下获授予有限的、不可转让的非独家许可证,用以: (i) 直接在由阁下拥有或控制的、运行OS X的每一台Apple品牌计算机(“Mac计算机”)上,下载、安装、使用和运行一(1) 份Apple软件副本,作为个人的非商业用途;以及 (ii) 如阁下为商业企业或教育机构,下载、安装、使用和运行一(1) 份Apple软件副本;以(a) 在由阁下拥有或控制的一或多台Mac计算机上供单一个人使用,或(b) 在由阁下拥有或控制的单一台共用的Mac计算机上供多人使用。例如,单一员工可同时在其台式Mac计算机和笔记本Mac计算机上使用Apple软件;或多个学生可在位于资源中心或图书馆内的单一台Mac计算机上连续使用 Apple软件。 B. 批量或维修许可证。如阁下是通过与Apple签订批量或维修许可证计划获取Apple软件,阁下的批量或维修许可证条款将决定允许阁下在由阁下拥有或控制的Apple品牌计算机下载、安装、使用和运行的 Apple软件副本的份数。除Apple书面同意外,本许可证所有其他条款和条件均适用于阁下根据批量或维修许可证获取Apple软件的使用。 C. Apple ID。使用Mac App Store需要一个称为Apple ID的独有用户名称和密码组合。访问Apple软件和服务(定义见第5条)某些功能的更新版本也需要一个Apple ID。
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允许的许可使用方式和限制. A. 许可证。在必须遵守本许可证条款和条件以及须得到Apple媒体服务条款和条件( https:// xxx.xxxxx.xxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/)所列的“服务和内容使用规则” (“使用规则”)允许的情况下, 除非阁下是如第2B条所述获取Apple 软件的,否则阁下获授予有限的、不可转让的非独家许可证,以在由阁下拥有或控制的、任何兼容的Apple品牌Apple装置上,安装和使用Apple软件。阁下不得在网络上分发或提供Apple软件,以致Apple软件在同一时间可供多 台装置使用。阁下不得出租、租赁、出借、出 售、再分发或再许可Apple 软件。 B. 批量或维修许可证。如阁下是通过与Apple签订批量或维修许可证计划获取Apple软件,阁下的批量或维修许可证条款将决定允许阁下在由阁下拥有或控制的Apple品牌Apple装置上下载、安装、使用和运行的 Apple软件副本的份数。除Apple书面同意外,本许可证所有其他条款和条件均适用于阁下根据批量或维修许可证获取Apple软件的使用。
允许的许可使用方式和限制. A. iWork 单一使用许可证. 本许可证允许阁下每次仅在一台带有Apple标签的计算机上安装和使用Apple软件。。本许可证并不允许 Apple 软件在任何一个时候存在于一台计算机以上,而且阁下不得在网络上提供 Apple 软件,以致 Apple 软件在同一时间可供多台计算机使用。阁下只可为备份目的而以机器可读形式复制一份 Apple 软件;但该备份副本必须带有原件上所载的一切著作权或其它专有权的提示。 B. iWork Family Pack 许可证. Apple软件是以捆绑方式许可给阁下。本许可证允许阁下每次在最多五(5)台带有Apple标签的计算机上安装和使用Apple软件,只要该等计算机均位於同一住户内及由占有该同一住户的人使用。“家庭”一词指的是共用同一个住宅(如房屋、公寓、活动房屋或宿舍)的一个或多个人,但也应扩展到是该家庭的主要住户但居住在校园里的不同位置的学生成员。家庭装许可证不扩展到业务或商业用户。阁下不得在网络上提供Apple软件。 C. 批量或维修许可证。如阁下是通过与Apple签订批量或维修许可证计划获取Apple软件,阁下的批量或维修许可证条款将决定允许阁下在由阁下拥有或控制的Apple品牌计算机上下载、安装、使用和运行的 Apple软件副本的份数。除Apple书面同意外,本许可证所有其他条款和条件均适用于阁下根据批量或维修许可证获取Apple软件的使用。 D. 阁下不得且阁下同意不会或促使他人复制(本许可证明示允许除外)、反汇编、倒序制造、拆装、企图导出其源代码、解码、修改Apple软件或制造其衍生作品、或Apple软件提供的任何服务或其任何部分(除适用法律禁止任何前述限制之外,或包括在Apple软件内的开放源组成部分使用许可证条款允许之外)。任何该等企图均违反Apple及Apple软件许可人的权利,如阁下违反此限制,可能受到检控及须要作出赔偿。
允许的许可使用方式和限制. 单一使用。Apple软件是以捆绑方式许可给阁下,并且允许阁下每次在单一Apple 标签计算机上安装和使用Apple软件。本许可证并不允许Apple软件在任何一个时候存在于一个并且允许阁下每次在单一 Apple标签计算机上安装和使用Apple软件计算机以上,而且阁下不得在网络上提供Apple软件,以致 Apple软件在同一时间供多台计算机使用。阁下只可为备份而以机器可读形式复制一份Apple软件;但该备份副本必须列明原件上所载的一切著作权或其它专有权的通知。
允许的许可使用方式和限制. A. 在必须遵守本许可证条款和条件的情况下,阁下获授予在每一台带有Apple品牌并由阁下拥有或控制的计算机上,安装和使用一份Apple软件的有限的、非独家的许可证。在Apple软件可以用来复制材料的范围内,此等使用限于复制非版权保护的材料、阁下拥有版权的材料、或者阁下被授权或法律允许复制的材料。本许可证并不允许Apple软件在任何一个时候存在于一台计算机以上,而且阁下不得在网络上提供Apple软件,以致Apple软件在同一时间可供多台计算机使用。阁下只可为备份目的而以机器可读形式复制一份Apple软件;但该备份副本必须列明原件上所载的一切著作权或其它专有权的提示。 B. 阁下不得且阁下同意不会或授权他人复制(本许可证明示允许除外)、反汇编、倒序制造、拆装、企图导出其源代码、破译、修改Apple软件或Apple软件提供服务或其任何部分、或制造其衍生作品(除非和只有在适用法律禁止任何前述限制的范围内,或在管辖Apple软件所包含的任何开放源部件的使用之许可条款允许的范围除外)。任何该等企图均违反Apple及Apple软件许可人的权利。
允许的许可使用方式和限制. A. 本许可证允许阁下每次仅在一台带有Apple标签的计算机上安装和使用Apple软件。Apple软件可用于复制材料,只要该等使用限于复制没有版权材料、阁下享有版权的材料或授权阁下或合法允许阁下复制的材料。本许可证并不允许Apple软件在任何一个时候存在于一台计算机以上,而且阁下不得在网络上提供Apple软件,以致Apple软件在同一时间可供多台计算机使用。阁下只可为备份目的而以机器可读形式复制一份Apple软件;但该备份副本必须带有原件上所载的一切著作权或其它专有权的提示。 B. Apple 已经或者将在其 "开放索取" 网页 (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx) 上提供Apple 软件的若干部件及包含在 Apple 软件内的第三方开放程序(合称 "开放索取部件")。阁下只能对这些 "开放索取部件" 进行修改或者更换,条件是 (i) 在单一带有 Apple 标签的计算机上使用的由从未经修改的Apple软件变成最终的修改后Apple软件。而且,(ii) 阁下在其他方面遵循本许可证的条件以及任何适用于开放索取部件使用事项的许可条件。Apple没有义务为上述修改过的最终Apple软件提供任何维护、技术支持或者其他支持。
允许的许可使用方式和限制. A. Developer软件 在受本许可证的条款和条件规限的情况下,阁下获授予有限的非独家许可证,可在带有Apple品牌的计算机上使用Developer软件,以开发和测试应用程序及其它软件。阁下仅可制作合理地必要的若干份Developer软件内部使用副本,以按照本许可证允许用途使用Developer软件,并仅向其职责范围要求如此使用Developer软件的阁下的员工分发该等副本;惟阁下须在每份Developer软件或其部分的副本上,复制原件包含的一切著作权或其它专有权通知。 B. 样本代码 Developer软件的某些部分由Apple提供的样本代码或范例代码构成(下称 "样本代码")。阁下可以按照此等样本代码或相关项目所附的许可条款使用、复制、修改和再分发此等样本代码。 C. QuickTime 开发软件 阁下仅可使用QuickTime 开发软件开发与安装了QuickTime并获其支援的Mac OS X和/或视窗平台兼容、以及只在该平台运作的应用程序。阁下的软件应用不得妨碍QuickTime Player或QuickTime Plug-in的功能性,包括但不限于已在QuickTime登记的文档类型或MIME类型的关联装置。
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允许的许可使用方式和限制. 许可证。在必须遵守本许可证条款和条件的情况下,阁下获授予有限的、不可转让的非独家许可证,可于本许可证的有效期内,在由阁下拥有或控制的、任何兼容的Android装置上,安装和使用Apple软件一份副本。阁下不得在网络上分发或提供Apple软件,以致Apple软件在同一时间可供多 台装置使用。阁下不得出租、租赁、出借、出售、再分发或再许可Apple 软件。
允许的许可使用方式和限制. (a) 在必须遵守本许可证条款和条件以及须得到 App Store 条款和条件所列 “使用规则” 允许的情况下,阁下获授予有限的、不可转让的许可证,可在由阁下拥有或控制的任何兼容及带 Apple 品牌的 iOS 装置上,安装和使用 FileMaker 软件。阁下不得在网络上分发或提供 FileMaker 软件,以致 FileMaker 软件在同一时间可供多台装置使用。阁下不得出租、租赁、出借、出售、再分发或再许可 FileMaker 软件。如果您已购买 FileMaker 批量许可项目 (例如 FileMaker 定点许可、FileMaker 用户许可等) 的使用权限,您将可以使用本软件获取存储于 FileMaker Server 或 FileMaker Cloud for AWS 的数据。您的使用权限将受限于适用的 Claris 批量许可协议的条款。 (b) 阁下不得且阁下同意不会或促使他人复制 (本许可证和 “使用规则” 明示允许者除外)、反汇编、倒序制造、拆装、企图导出其源代码、解码、修改 FileMaker 软件或制造其衍生作品、或 FileMaker 软件提供的任何服务或其任何部分 (除了和只有在适用法律禁止任何前述限制的情況下,或包括在 FileMaker 软件内的任何开放源组成部分使用许可证条款明示允许之外)。任何该等企图均违反 Claris 及 Claris 软件许可人的 权利。 (c) FileMaker 软件可用于复制材料,只要该等使用限于复制没有著作权的材料、阁下享有著作权的材料或授权阁下或合法允许阁下复制的材料。通过 FileMaker 软件显示或存取的任何内容,其所有权和知识产权属于相关的内容所有权人。此等内容可能受著作权或其它知识产权法律和条约保护,及可能须遵守提供该等内容的第三方的使用条款。本许可证并不授予阁下使用该等内容的任何权利。例如,由 Claris 和/或其许可人作为 FileMaker 软件或服务的一部分而提供的任何库存图片、影像、图形、剪贴图样、艺术作品或类似资产 (“Digital Imagery”) (包括但不限于在模板、主题或用户指南和指导材料内包含的任何 Digital Imagery),不得以商业或其他方式在 FileMaker 软件以外独立提取和分发。 (d) FileMaker 软件显示的任何金融或健康信息仅提供作一般参考之用,其目的并非用以依赖为金融或医疗建议或其代替品。对于阁下作出的金融或健康决定及所产生的任何后果,阁下须自行负责,并应永远向金融或医疗专业人员征询指引或意见 (按适当而定)。Claris 及其任何许可人不保证 FileMaker 软件显示的金融或健康信息的准确性、完整性或及时性,或可以获取希望得到的结果。 (e) Claris 已经或者将在其网页 (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/support/downloads/?nav=support-downloads)上提供 FileMaker 软件的若干部件及包含在 FileMaker 软件内的第三方开放程序(合称 “开放索取部件”)。阁下只能对这些 “开放索取部件” 进行修改或者更换,条件是 (i) 依照以上列明的允许用途使用最终的修改后 FileMaker 软件。而且,(ii) 阁下在其他方面遵循本许可证的条件以及任何适用于开放索取部件使用事项的许可条 件。Claris 没有义务为上述修改过的最终 FileMaker 软件提供任何维护、技术支持或者其他支持。

Related to 允许的许可使用方式和限制

  • Continued Operation In the event of a Breach or Default by either Interconnected Entity, and subject to termination of the Interconnection Service Agreement under Section 16 of this Appendix 2, the Interconnected Entities shall continue to operate and maintain, as applicable, such DC power systems, protection and Metering Equipment, telemetering equipment, SCADA equipment, transformers, Secondary Systems, communications equipment, building facilities, software, documentation, structural components, and other facilities and appurtenances that are reasonably necessary for Transmission Provider and the Interconnected Transmission Owner to operate and maintain the Transmission System and the Transmission Owner Interconnection Facilities and for Interconnection Customer to operate and maintain the Customer Facility and the Customer Interconnection Facilities, in a safe and reliable manner.

  • IN-SERVICE When a nurse attends any in-service programme during her/his regularly scheduled working hours, she/he shall suffer no loss of pay. When a nurse is unable to do so, and attends the in-service programme outside her/his regularly scheduled hours, she/he shall be paid for all time attendance at her/his straight time rate of pay. If attendance is mandatory all applicable premiums will apply.

  • Continued Operations Continue at all times to conduct its business and engage principally in the same line or lines of business substantially as heretofore conducted.

  • Health Care Savings Plan As provided in this Agreement, eligible ASF Members will participate in the health care savings plan (HCSP) established under Minnesota Statute 352.98, and as administered by the Plan Administrator. The Employer is responsible only for transferring funds, as specified in this agreement, to the Plan Administrator. Subd. 1. All ASF Members who receive severance pay as defined in Section A of this article must participate in the health care savings plan. Subd. 2. All severance pay as defined in Section B of this article shall be transferred to the severed employee's health care savings plan account. At the time of separation, if an ASF Member has an approved exception to participation in the health care savings plan account from the plan administrator, then the ASF Member shall receive this payment in one lump sum payment of cash.

  • Health Services At the time of employment and subject to (b) above, full credit for registered professional nursing experience in a school program shall be given. Full credit for registered professional nursing experience may be given, subject to approval by the Human Resources Division. Non-degree nurses shall be placed on the BA Track of the Teachers Salary Schedule and shall be ineligible for movement to any other track.

  • Our Service The services that you have selected and the charges for those services are confirmed in Section 9 - Your Consent at the end of this agreement. We agree to provide the services selected and you agree to pay us for those services. Any advice or recommendation that we offer to you, will only be given after we have assessed your needs and considered your financial objectives and attitude to any risks that may be involved. We will also take into account any restrictions that you wish to place on the type of products you would be willing to consider.

  • Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-exempt trust or custodial account established exclusively for the purpose of paying qualified medical expenses of the member who is covered under a high deductible health plan. The member must be covered under the HSA plan for the months in which contributions are made. HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN (HDHP) is a health plan that satisfies certain requirements with respect to deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. The plan cannot provide payment for any covered healthcare service until the plan year deductible is satisfied, with the exception of preventive care services. • that provides medical and surgical care for patients who have acute illnesses or injuries; and • is either listed as a hospital by the American Hospital Association (AHA) or accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

  • Water Service The Purchase Price for the Property shall include all water rights/water shares, if any, that are the legal source for Seller’s current culinary water service and irrigation water service, if any, to the Property. The water rights/water shares will be conveyed or otherwise transferred to Buyer at Closing by applicable deed or legal instruments. The following water rights/water shares, if applicable, are specifically excluded from this sale:

  • Type; Interest Elections (a) Each Borrowing initially shall be of the Type specified in the applicable Borrowing Request and, in the case of a LIBO Rate Borrowing, shall have an initial Interest Period as specified in such Borrowing Request. Thereafter, the Borrowers may elect to convert such Borrowing to a different Type or to continue such Borrowing and, in the case of a LIBO Rate Borrowing, may elect Interest Periods therefor, all as provided in this Section. The Borrowers may elect different options with respect to different portions of the affected Borrowing, in which case each such portion shall be allocated ratably among the Lenders, based upon their Applicable Percentages and the Loans comprising each such portion shall be considered a separate Borrowing. This Section shall not apply to Swingline Loans, which may not be converted or continued. (b) To make an election pursuant to this Section, the Borrower Representative shall notify the Administrative Agent of such election either delivered in writing (by hand delivery, fax or other electronic transmission (including “.pdf” or “.tif”)) or by telephone by the time that a Borrowing Request would be required under Section 2.03 if the Borrower Representative were requesting a Borrowing of the Type resulting from such election to be made on the effective date of such election. Each such Interest Election Request shall be irrevocable and, if telephonic, shall be confirmed promptly by hand delivery, fax or other electronic transmission (including “.pdf” or “.tif”) to the Administrative Agent of a written Interest Election Request signed by a Responsible Officer of the Borrower Representative. (c) Each telephonic and written Interest Election Request shall specify the following information in compliance with Section 2.02: (i) the Borrowing to which such Interest Election Request applies and, if different options are being elected with respect to different portions thereof, the portions thereof to be allocated to each resulting Borrowing (in which case the information to be specified pursuant to clauses (iii) and (iv) below shall be specified for each resulting Borrowing); (ii) the effective date of the election made pursuant to such Interest Election Request, which shall be a Business Day; (iii) whether the resulting Borrowing is to be an ABR Borrowing or a LIBO Rate Borrowing; and (iv) if the resulting Borrowing is a LIBO Rate Borrowing, the Interest Period to be applicable thereto after giving effect to such election, which shall be a period contemplated by the definition of the term “Interest Period”. If any such Interest Election Request requests a LIBO Rate Borrowing but does not specify an Interest Period, then the Borrowers shall be deemed to have selected an Interest Period of one month’s duration. (d) Promptly following receipt of an Interest Election Request, the Administrative Agent shall advise each applicable Lender of the details thereof and of such Lender’s portion of each resulting Borrowing. (e) If the Borrower Representative fails to deliver a timely Interest Election Request with respect to a LIBO Rate Borrowing prior to the end of the Interest Period applicable thereto, then, unless such Borrowing is repaid as provided herein, at the end of such Interest Period such Borrowing shall be converted to a LIBO Rate Borrowing with an Interest Period of one month. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, if an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing and the Administrative Agent, at the request of the Required Lenders, so notifies the Borrower Representative, then, so long as an Event of Default is continuing (i) no outstanding Borrowing may be converted to or continued as a LIBO Rate Borrowing and (ii) unless repaid, each LIBO Rate Borrowing shall be converted to an ABR Borrowing at the end of the then-current Interest Period applicable thereto.

  • Mental Health Services Grantee will receive allocated funding to secure Mental Health Services and Programs for youth under Xxxxxxx’s supervision. Services may include screening, assessment, diagnoses, evaluation, or treatment of youth with Mental Health Needs. The Department’s provision of State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds shall not be understood to limit the use of other state and local funds for mental health services. State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds may be used for all mental health services and programs as defined herein, however these funds may not be used to supplant local funds or for unallowable expenditure. Youth served by State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds must meet the definition of Target Population for Mental Health Services provided in the Contract.

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