NOTIFICATIONS Vzorová ustanovení

NOTIFICATIONS. All statements and other correspondence related to the performance of the Agreement will be sent to the addresses indicated in the Order. In the event of a change of address, the party is obliged to inform the other party of this fact, under pain of recognizing the correspondence sent to the last address for service indicated by that party as effectively delivered.
NOTIFICATIONS. 18.1 Delivery of the correspondence. Unless the Contract stipulates otherwise, any and all the notifications, information and other correspondence under the Contract (hereinafter only the “Correspondence”) addressed to one Party (hereinafter only the “Recipient”) shall be executed by the other Party (hereinafter only the “Sender”) in writing and delivered to the contacts of the Recipient set forth below in person, by registered mail, courier, by e-mail with the electronic signature or by ordinary e-mail without electronic signature. Unless the Contract stipulates otherwise, any and all Correspondence intended to notify, confirm, establish, change, waive or discharge a right, claim or obligation of any Party under the Contract or the Contractor's Conditions sent to the Recipient by ordinary e- mail shall be confirmed by the Sender in person, by registered mail, courier or e-mail with the electronic signature within three (3) working days following the dispatch of the regular e-mail. Such Correspondence shall be considered delivered on the day of dispatch of the original ordinary e-mail. Correspondence sent by registered mail or courier shall be considered sent on the day stated on the post office stamp or on the day of take-over of the Correspondence by the courier, and delivered on the third day of the date of its dispatch. Correspondence handed over to the Recipient in person shall be considered delivered at the moment of its handover at the address below or at the moment of the unreasonable refusal of the Recipient to take over such Correspondence.
NOTIFICATIONS. Unless stated otherwise by the Agreement, any notification, requirement or any other communication to the Franchisor or the Franchisee shall appear in writing. Such a notification, requirement or any other communication shall be considered properly performed when delivered to the Party to the Agreement, who shall or may be delivered with a notification, requirement or any other communication in person or via registered mail to the below stated address or any other address which was announced by the Party to the Agreement to the other Party to the Agreement: