Prices Vzorová ustanovení

Prices. 3.1 Prices are contractual prices and they are listed including VAT (the Seller is a VAT payer).
Prices. 5.1 The prices agreed are fixed prices and constitute full and final payment for all commissioned deliveries and services and include all expenditures relating to the deliveries and services to be performed by the Supplier, in particular also the costs for potential testing, approval, documentation, compilation of technical documentation and items, packaging, transport, customs duties and border clearance fees. 5.2 For billing based on work and equipment use, the total working hours as well as the material used must be stated in written form on a respective performance template. The performance template must be presented to SCHOTT for signing on a daily basis. The performance certificate will serve as a basis for calculation pending the final acknowledgement during the auditing of accounts. The name of the employees must be recorded in the performance certificate. 5.3 In the event that the Supplier reduces his prices in the period of time between the order and the delivery and improves his terms, such prices and terms valid on the day of delivery will apply.
Prices. 3.1 Basic prices of goods and services are stipulated in CB price-lists, valid for the period which applies to provision of particular accommodation services. 3.2 An informative CB price-list is available at xxx.XxxxxxxXxxxxxx.xx; current price lists are available at CB´s places of business. 3.3 Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, the prices specified in a current CB price-list will be decisive. A current price-list is usually attached to a contract as its annex. 3.4 When delivering services with a long-term performance CB reserves the right to change prices when input prices change.
Prices. 6.1. conTeyor´ s prices are specified in EUR currency, including the packing costs, however excluding VAT, import and export duties, stamp duty, station or check-in fees, taxes etc. The price might be on the invoice issued in Czech currency at the request of the Buyer. The exchange rate will be specified in accordance with the official exchange rate list of the Czech National Bank effective on the date the invoice is issued. 6.2. Prices mentioned in article 6.1 are set Ex Works conTeyor (EXW, Incoterms), unless explicitly agreed in writing otherwise. 6.3. Regardless of the provision of article 6.2, the Buyer shall pay to conTeyor the costs of ordering in terms of orders that do not reach the amount specified by conTeyor in accordance with the particular provision of conTeyor at the time of conclusion of the contract. 6.4. Unless agreed in writing otherwise, conTeyor reserves the right to change - without prior notice – the purchase price, discount and sales terms and conditions in terms of goods not yet delivered. The price, discount and sales terms and conditions effective at the date of the delivery shall be applied. 6.5. In case of modification in accordance with 6.4 the Buyer shall be entitled to terminate the mutual contract, unless the contract has been already fulfilled. The contract might be terminated provably within 8 days after notification of such 6.6. Pokud dojde ke zvýšení ceny v důsledku zákonných změn, kterým se zavádějí nebo mění daně, poplatky nebo dovozní cla, nebo pokud jsou přijata po uzavření kontraktu jiná zákonná opatření, mající vliv na zvýšení ceny zboží, které má být dodáno a/nebo služeb, které mají být poskytnuty, je conTeyor oprávněna přesunout toto zvýšení nebo změnu do ceny zboží a/nebo služeb, i když bylo sjednáno, že cena bude pevná.
Prices. (1) Unless otherwise agreed, net prices quoted by the Seller are expressed in euros (EUR or €). Quoted prices do not include VAT, which is charged according to relevant legislation. (2) Any special requests of the Buyer are generally not included in the Seller’s offered prices and shall be separately compensated by the Buyer.
Prices. 3.1 The purchase price for the goods shall be principally governed by the offered price (or the quotation) determined by the Seller. The Seller shall indicate the price of the ordered goods in the order confirmation. It is in the best interest of the Buyer to obtain advance information on the current prices of the goods from the Seller. If the Buyer requests so before the purchase order is sent, the Seller shall inform the Buyer of the current prices of the requested goods. The Seller shall be in no way obliged to inform the Buyer of the current prices of the goods if not requested by the Buyer.
Prices. 8.1 Prices are set forth in each „order confirmation“, respectively the preceding offer (see Pt 4.). If both do not contain a price, a payment customary for this performance and industry will be invoiced. 8.2 Prices and other fees are always net prices and do not include applicable VAT. 8.3 Changes or the introduction of consumption taxes and dues after the conclusion of a transport agreement entitle LTE to a price adjustment to the extent of the additional costs arising for LTE. The claim for price adjustment can be made beginning from the point of effectivity of the constitutive amendment of law.
Prices. All prices are fixed and unless otherwise written agreed they shall include all costs for adequate packaging and transportation. The insurance for the time of transportation is covered by the Buyers insurance policy and therefore it must not be included in to the price of the goods. No change in price shall be made without the written consent of the Buyer.
Prices. Currencies, per diems, other cost or revenue items and equip- ment replacement values for lost and/or not returned contain- ers are stated in Exhibit I and Exhibit II to this AGREE- MENT.
Prices. Nestanoví-li společnost Ingenico písemně jinak, veškeré ceny uvedené v nabídkách nebo odhadech platí po dobu třiceti (30) dnů od data, kdy byly učiněny. Ceny nezahrnují související daně ani náklady spojené s balením, dopravou, pojištěním či instalací. Příslušné daně budou účtovány v souladu s platnými obecně závaznými právními předpisy v době vystavení daňového dokladu. Veškeré výdaje, poplatky a daně spojené s užíváním Zboží (zejména účastnické a spotřební náklady) ponese výhradně Klient. 8.1 Unless otherwise indicated in writing by Ingenico, the prices appearing in its offers or estimates are valid for thirty (30) days from their issue date and do not include tax, packaging or any transport, insurance or installation expenses. The applicable taxes are those in force at the time of the invoicing and must be paid by the Client. All expenses, fees and taxes due for the use of Equipment (in particular, subscription and consumption costs) shall be borne exclusively by the Client.