Quality Warranty Vzorová ustanovení

Quality Warranty. The contractor provides the client with a warranty for the quality of the work performed by it, as well as for all its parts or components, and their corresponding quality with a warranty period of 10 years (120 months) from the day of proper handover and acceptance of the work according to Article IX of this contract, unless a different warranty period is specified for an individual item in the annex. If a defect occurs during the warranty period, the client has the right, regardless of the nature of the defect, at its discretion: to the removal of the defect by repairing the work; to a reasonable discount on the price of the work; or to withdraw from the contract in whole or only in the part concerning the defective performance. The client will notify the contractor of the defects without undue delay after their discovery, but no later than within 1 month from the discovery of the defect. The client has the rights according to paragraph 2 and the right to choose between them even if it did not exercise them in time, unless it fails to make a choice within 1 week of receiving the contractor’s written invitation.
Quality Warranty. The Contractor warrants to the Customer that the Product is free of any hidden material or production defects. The warranty period commences on the day of the Delivery of the Product pursuant to Article 8.8 of the Contractor's Conditions and shall apply for six (6) months from the day of the putting of the Product into operation, but in no case longer than twelve (12) months from the day of the Delivery of the Product. In the event that the Product is used more extensively in comparison with the stipulated Product utilization, the warranty period will be appropriately shortened. The validity of the quality warranty is subject to

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  • Specifické podmínky 1. Účelem tohoto článku je stanovit další podmínky, které jsou specifické pro výše uvedenou veřejnou soutěž, a to nad rámec Všeobecných podmínek.