Responsibilities Vzorová ustanovení

Responsibilities. The IMS International Steering Committee will determine policies and strategies for undertaking, and for the evolution of, the IMS scheme, including the matter of new participants. It will also: — provide overall guidance, set strategic priorities, review, amend, and update Technical Appendices 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 and additional Technical Appendices within the scope of these terms of reference, and oversee the implementation of IMS, — oversee the Inter-Regional Secretariat and approve its budget, — provide international promotion for IMS and for manufacturing as a generic discipline, — endorse projects as provided in Section 10, — set performance metrics of the scheme and provide a regular report in respect of same, — ensure activities undertaken under this scheme are done in a manner consistent with the purpose, principles and structure agreed upon by the participants, — foster communication among the International IMS Steering Committee, the Inter-Regional Secretariats, and the project consortium members, — sponsor and approve new IMS documents, and — form interim task forces or committees (e.g., for technical or legal issues), if necessary, to accomplish its work.
Responsibilities. The Beneficiary: • must draw up the Financial Statement(s) for the action financed by the Agreement in compliance with the obligations under the Agreement. The Financial Statement(s) must be drawn up according to the Beneficiary’s accounting and bookkeeping system and the underlying accounts and records; • must send the Financial Statement(s) to the Auditor; • is responsible and liable for the accuracy of the Financial Statement(s); • is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided to enable the Auditor to carry out the Procedures. It must provide the Auditor with a written representation letter supporting these statements. The written representation letter must state the period covered by the statements and must be dated; • accepts that the Auditor cannot carry out the Procedures unless it is given full access to the The Auditor: • is qualified to carry out statutory audits of accounting documents in accordance with Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts, amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC and repealing Council Directive 84/253/EEC or similar national regulations. The Auditor: • must be independent from the Beneficiary, in particular, it must not have been involved in preparing the • must plan work so that the Procedures may be carried out and the Findings may be assessed; • must adhere to the Procedures laid down and the compulsory report format; • must carry out the engagement in accordance with this ToR; • must document matters which are important to support the Report; • must base its Report on the evidence gathered; • must submit the Report to the Beneficiary.

Related to Responsibilities

  • Reporting The Focal Point shall provide Project Interim Reports and the Project Completion Report in accordance with the Beneficiary State Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines.

  • Definice Pro účely této dohody se rozumí: