Special needs support Vzorová ustanovení

Special needs support. Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is a reimbursement of up to 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred. • Eligible costs: costs directly related to participants with special needs and required to implement online activities. • Supporting documents: o invoices of the related costs specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice; o account statement; o proof of proportionality and transparency (e.g. market price comparison). • Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is the reimbursement of up to 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred for buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services. • Eligible costs: cover costs related to buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services necessary for the implementation of online activities. • Supporting documents: o invoices of the actual costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount of currency, and the date of the invoice; o account statement;
Special needs support. Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is the reimbursement of up to 100 % of the eligible costs actually incurred. • Eligible costs: costs directly related to participants with special needs and accompanying persons (including costs related to travel and subsistence, if justified) and which represent additional costs to those supported by the unit cost mechanism as specified in Section I of this Annex. • Supporting documents: o Invoices of the related costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice; o Account statement; o Proof of proportionality and transparency (e.g. market price comparison). • Reporting: In the final report, the Beneficiary must report whether additional grant was used for the special needs support and/or an accompanying person. In such case, the Beneficiary must report in the final report on the type of additional expenses as well as on the real amount of related costs incurred. • Calculation of grant amount: the grant is the reimbursement of up to 100 % of the eligible costs actually incurred for the subcontracting or purchase of goods and services, with a maximum of € 19 500 per project. • Eligible expenditures: o Subcontracting and purchase of goods and services as applied for by the Beneficiary and as approved by DZS as specified in Xxxxx X. o Costs related to the depreciation costs of equipment or other assets (new or second-hand) as recorded in the accounting statements of the Beneficiary, provided that the asset has been purchased in accordance with the public procurement rules and that it is written off in accordance with the international accounting standards and the usual accounting practices of the Beneficiary. The costs of rental or lease of equipment or other assets are also eligible provided that these costs do not exceed the depreciation costs of similar equipment or assets and are exclusive of any finance fee. In case of equipment purchase, rental or lease only the amount corresponding to the share of time of the use of the equipment for the project can be claimed. o The Beneficiary shall follow Act No. 134/2016 Coll. on public procurement and Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC.6 • Supporting documents: o Sub-contracting: proof of payment of related costs on the basis of invoices specifying the name and address of the body ...
Special needs support. Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is the reimbursement of up to 100 % of the eligible costs actually incurred. • Eligible costs: costs directly related to participants with special needs and accompanying persons (including costs related to travel and subsistence, if justified) and which represent additional costs to those supported by the unit cost mechanism as specified in Section I of this Annex. • Supporting documents: o Invoices of the related costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice; o Account statement; o Proof of proportionality and transparency (e.g. market price comparison). • Reporting: In the final report, the Beneficiary must report whether additional grant was used for the special needs support and/or an accompanying person. In such case, the Beneficiary must report in the final report on the type of additional expenses as well as on the real amount of related costs incurred. • Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is the reimbursement of up to 100 % of the eligible costs actually incurred for the participants with fewer opportunities. • Eligible costs: costs that are indispensable to allow learners with fewer opportunities to participate in the project and which represent additional costs to those supported by the unit contribution mechanism as specified in Section I of this Annex. • Supporting documents: o Invoices of the actual costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount of currency, and the date of the invoice; o Account statement; o Proof of proportionality and transparency (e.g. market price comparison). • Reporting: In the final report, the Beneficiary must report whether exceptional costs were incurred. In such case, the Beneficiary must report in the final report on the type of additional expenses as well as on the real amount of related costs incurred.
Special needs support. Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is the reimbursement of up to 100 % of the eligible costs actually incurred. • Eligible costs: costs directly related to participants with special needs and required to implement online activities. • Supporting documents: o invoices of the related costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice; o account statement; o proof of proportionality and transparency (e.g. market price comparison). • Calculation of the grant amount: the grant is a reimbursement of up to 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred for buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services. • Eligible costs: cover costs related to buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services necessary for the implementation of online mobility activities. • Supporting documents: o invoices of the actual costs incurred, specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice; o account statement;

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