TEXT TYPOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL STYLES. The function of translation is merely communicative (or illocutionary), which means that the TT must convey the message of the ST. And here also the statement that the text should achieve as high the level of equivalency as possible at text level must be taken into consideration (Trosborg 1997, 14). How to transfer the meaning has been discussed in the previous chapter and the Practical part of the thesis also comments on them. Beside the strategies and methods of substituting, modulating, adapting and other methods mentioned above, recognition of a text type is as vital as the knowledge of the source and target languages of the translation. The communicative function of translation is complemented with another function – a rhetorical one (Trosborg 1997, 14). The rhetoric feature is connected with the functional style of the original ST, or rather with the typology of the text. Puchala (2011, in Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 2006, 112) defines text typology as a certain system of classifying texts on the basis of the field they belong to, their genre and purpose as well as the type of discourse. A text is the basis for translation – once you decide to translate, the complex (and comprehensive) unit of translation becomes the text (Xxxxxxx 1988, 39). It is not relevant how long the text is or what is the level of its informativeness (the information that it contains; the text must convey a meaning). That may represent a macro-view on the text that is to be translated and that the translation of its original form must carry the same information. As its basic unit, the text type must therefore be correctly analyzed for translation. The text is always characterized by its cohesiveness, coherenece and informativeness. Cohesiveness of the text is formed by sentences that follow one another. It is “achieved by means of connectors, specific word order, repetitions, etc.“ (Puchała 2011 in Zeszyt 6/2011, 358). In other words, any cluster of sentences may be called a text unless the information contained is logically communicated. A text is such a sequence of sentences that is created by its author and is aimed at its reader. An author is a sender of the text, its reader is the recipient/addressee. They are a sender and a recipient of the message of the text, of a semantical-syntactic unit. More generally, “a text is a linguistic whole expressed orally or in writing not depending on the context“ (Puchała 2011 in Zeszyt 69/2011, 359). Text types may be considered as groups of “patter...