SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. By this Agreement, the Lessor undertakes to relinquish the Subject-matter of the Lease to be temporarily used by the Lessee for the Lease Period for the Purpose of the Lease and the Lessee undertakes to pay the Rent to the Lessor. The Parties also agree that the Lessor will provide to the Lessee Services associated with the lease of the Subject-matter of the Lease, and the Lessee undertakes to pay for the Services associated with the lease the Price of the Services, all in accordance with this Agreement and the Business Terms and Conditions. The Lessee agrees that, in the establishment located in the Subject-matter of the Lease in accordance with the Purpose of the Lease, it will carry out the activity which is the object of its business in accordance with its trade licence and the [licence of the Czech National Bank / currency exchange operator licence / licence of a foreign bank with its registered office in a Member State of the European Union or in a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area containing a currency exchange operator licence] (hereinafter the “Licence”): Operation of currency exchange and sale of goods; and [name of the trade licence – to be completed by the Lessee]. A copy of the extract from the Commercial Register of the Lessee is annexed to this Agreement as Annex 3. The Lessee may change the object of business in the Subject-matter of the Lease or extend it only with the prior written consent of the Lessor. The Parties agree that the sole purpose of the lease under this Agreement is the use of the Subject-matter of the Lease by the Lessee for business activities within the scope of its trade licence and the Licence, in order to: carry out currency exchange operations; operate ATMs; carry out the following activities:
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 1. Upon request of the Healthcare Institution, the Company shall provide the Healthcare Institution for the purchase of Products through the Collection points, under the conditions set out in Annex 1 to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Annex 1”), turnover bonus (hereinafter referred to as “Bonus”) in the amount set out in Annex 1 provided that the purchase of the Products reaches at least the turnover specified in Annex 1 in the reference period.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 2.1 BMS undertakes to provide a financial contribution to the Promoter in the amount of CZK 85,000 (in words: eighty five thousand Czech crowns) + VAT in amount according to the legislation to the date of the chargeable event for organizational and technical safeguarding of the Specialized events, in compliance with the terms and conditions hereof. The Promoter will realize minimally 5 Specialized Events during the period September – December 2016, on behalf of schedule continuously updated by the promoter and agreed by BMS, in compliance with the terms and conditions hereof.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 1. By this agreement the donor undertakes to transfer free of charge to Recipient’s handout in the total value of 87.156,20 CZK, vehicle Volkswagen Transporter 2.0, VIN: XX0XXX0XXXX000000 production year: 2013, Reg. No 5M4 7993, inventory number 300916/0, including all parts and accessories, mainly stair climber EVAC – Chair inventory number 300916/1, 4x reducing valve, inventory number 300916 / 2-5, Mediflow valve with inhalation container, inventory number 300916/6, sphygmomanometers Fazzini, inventory number 300916/7, transport stretcher Ferno 4153, inventory number 300805, and mattress and backrest with children restrain system, inventory number 300805/1 (hereinafter referred to as the „donation“) By this agreement the Recipient accept the donation in to his solo ownership.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 2.1. The Consignor hereby undertakes to establish, free of charge, in the Consignee’s premises, consignment stocks for ETCS spare parts (hereinafter referred to as the “Spare Parts” or “Goods”), which the Consignor is liable to supply under Purchase Contract No. 4600000884 (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Contract”) dated..12.11.2015..made between the Parties.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. On 12.11.2018 and 21.11.2018 the parties entered into Equipment Placement Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), the subject of which is the loan of the equipment specified in Annex 1 to the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Equipment”). The parties agree to terminate the Agreement with effect from 30.6.2022. II.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 2.1. The Provider undertakes to establish a payment account for the Client and to perform payment transactions for the Client under the conditions specified in this Agreement and in the General Terms and Conditions to the Framework Agreement on the Provision of Payment Services (hereinafter the “GTC”).
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 1.1 The subject matter of this Agreement is the cooperation of the Parties in organising the exhibition titled “Trypa”, held from (date) 26. 11. 2020 to 28. 02. 2021, in the venue PLATO, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 00, Xxxxxxx (former Bauhaus) (hereinafter the “Exhibition”), under the conditions stipulated below. 1.2 Curator is the author of the Exhibition concept. 1.3 The Exhibition concept shall be approved by PLATO; the Exhibition shall be organised by PLATO. 1.4 Other partners can contribute to the Exhibition organisation if there is an agreement between them and PLATO.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT. 1.1 The basis of the Agreement is to govern the rights and obligations between the Franchisor and the Franchisee for the purpose of joint activities and presence in the market in the field of a sc. "wrapping" or also "carwrapping" (the definition given in article II of the Agreement), where the Franchisor undertakes under the below listed terms and conditions to provide the Franchisee against payment for their business activity with the right to use especially the Trade name, symbol and the know-how of the Franchisor.