The obligations set forth in Section Vzorová ustanovení

The obligations set forth in Section. 7.1 shall survive for a period of ten (10) years upon early termination or expiration of this Agreement. 7.4 Bayer may post information on the Study and on the Results on the Internet, e.g. on (registry
The obligations set forth in Section. 7.1 shall survive for a period of ten (10) years upon early termination or expiration of this Agreement. 7.4 Bayer may post information on the Study and on the Results on the Internet, e.g. on (registry posting) and on sites for results posting, on Bayer’s company website (registry and results posting) and on any other database required by laws or regulations in accordance with applicable standards regarding scope, form and content. 7.5 Contract Partners shall not publish any press releases or other public statements about the Study, the Results of the Study and/or the Study Drug without Bayer's prior written consent. 7.6 The name of Bayer shall not be used in any advertising or other material of Contract Partners without Xxxxx'x prior written authorisation.
The obligations set forth in Section. 7.1 shall survive for a period of ten (10) years upon early termination or expiration of this Agreement. 7.4 Bayer may post information on the Study and on the Results on the Internet, e.g. on (registry posting) and on sites for results posting, on Bayer’s company website (registry and results posting) and on any other database required by laws or regulations in accordance with applicable standards regarding scope, form and content. 7.5 Contract Partners shall not publish any press releases or other public statements about the Study, the Results of the Study and/or the Study Drug without Bayer's prior written consent. 7.6 The name of Bayer shall not be used in any advertising or other material of Contract Partners without Xxxxx'x prior written authorisation. Art. 8 – Indemnity and Liability 8.1 Contract Partners shall indemnify Bayer with respect to any damage and/or its Affiliates and/or its directors, officers, employees, contractors in case of (i) negligence or wilful misconduct or omission and/or (ii) a breach of any obligations assumed under this Agreement by either of them or any of Center´s employees or contractors involved by any of them for the purpose of fulfilment of this Agreement. 8.2 Bayer shall indemnify the Contract Partners and/or directors, officers, employees, contractors of the Centre (Center, Principal Investigator, directors, officers, employees, contractors of the Centre collectively and each of them
The obligations set forth in Section. 7.1 shall survive for a period of ten (10) years upon early termination or expiration of this Agreement.
The obligations set forth in Section. 7.1 shall survive for a period of ten (10) years upon early termination or expiration of this Agreement. 7.4 Bayer may post information on the Study and on the Results on the Internet, e.g. on (registry posting) and on sites for results posting, on Bayer’s company website (registry and results posting) and on any other database required by laws or regulations in accordance with applicable standards regarding scope, form and content. 7.5 Center shall not publish any press releases or other public statements about the Study, the Results of the Study and/or the Study Drug without Bayer's prior written consent. 7.6 The name of Bayer shall not be used in any advertising or other material of Center without Bayer's prior written authorisation. Art. 8 – Indemnity and Liability 8.1 Center shall be liable for damage and shall provide compensation for damages (including non-material detriment) to Bayer and/or its Affiliates and/or its directors, officers, employees, contractors with respect to any damage in case of (i) negligence or wilful misconduct or omission and/or (ii) a breach of any obligations assumed under this Agreement by any of
The obligations set forth in Section. 7.1 shall survive for a period of ten (10) years upon early termination or expiration of this Agreement. 7.4 Bayer may post information on the Study and on the Results on the Internet, e.g. on (registry posting) and on sites for results posting, on Bayer’s company website (registry and results posting) and on any other database required by laws or regulations in accordance with applicable standards regarding scope, form and content. 7.5 Center shall not publish any press releases or other public statements about the Study, the Results of the Study and/or the Study Drug without Bayer's prior writtenauthorisation. 7.6 The name of Bayer shall not be used in any advertising or other material of Center without Bayer's prior written authorisation. 8.1 Centrum se zavazuje společnosti Bayer a jejím Propojeným osobám a/nebo jejich statutárním orgánům, pracovníkům, zaměstnancům, smluvním partnerům nahradit újmu (včetně nemajetkové újmy) vzniklé z důvodu (i) nedbalosti nebo úmyslného protiprávního jednání či opomenutí a/nebo (ii) porušení kterékoli z povinností přijatých na základě této Smlouvy nebo kterýmkoli ze zaměstnanců Centra nebo smluvních partnerů, jichž použijí pro účely plnění této Smlouvy. 8.2 Společnost Bayer je Centru a jeho pracovníkům, zaměstnancům a smluvním partnerům (Centrum, Zkoušející, statutární orgán Centra, jeho pracovníci, zaměstnanci a smluvní partneři, nebo kterýkoli z nich samostatně dále označováni jen jako „Odškodňovaná strana“) povinna nahradit újmu (včetně nemajetkové újmy) v rozsahu, v jakém je vůči nim u příslušného soudu Subjektem hodnocení nebo jinými k tomu podle platných právních předpisů oprávněných osob úspěšně uplatněn nárok na náhradu újmy na zdraví (včetně smrti) vzniklé z důvodu užívání Hodnoceného léku nebo jakéhokoli výkonu nebo postupu vykonaného na Subjektu hodnocení dle požadavků Protokolu, a to za podmínky, prokáže-li se, že tato újma: 8.2.1 nevznikla z důvodu, že Odškodňovaná strana nejednala v souladu (a) s podmínkami této Smlouvy; a/nebo (b) Protokolem; a/nebo (c) všemi příslušnými právními předpisy a pravidly upravujícími provádění Studie; a/nebo (d) bezpečnostními opatřeními a písemnými pokyny společnosti Bayer nebo jejích Propojených osob; a/nebo 8.2.2 nevznikla z důvodu nedbalého nebo úmyslného jednání či opomenutí Odškodňované strany; a/nebo 8.2.3 není kryta pojištěním sjednaným v souladu s právními předpisy ve prospěch Xxxxxxxxxxxx strany. Nicméně pokud vznikne taková újma zcela nebo zčá...