Updates Vzorová ustanovení

Updates. During the service package availability period, which coincides with the term of the service package contract, we will provide you with up- dates to at least the extent required by law, un- less otherwise agreed with you in accordance with the legal requirements.
Updates. We will provide you with updates to the rele- vant FoD individual service to at least the ex- tent required by law (i) throughout the entire period of use in the case of an FoD individual service that is booked as a monthly subscrip- tion or (ii) for at least the period required by law in the case of an FoD individual service booked as an unlimited FoD individual ser- vice, unless otherwise agreed with you in ac- cordance with the legal requirements.
Updates. Access to all available Updates of Software Products included in the Covered Products. Intergraph will notify Customer when Updates are made available for any Software Products for which Service has been purchased, by way of posting notices of such to the “Support Notices and Announcements” section on the Customer Support Web Site or applicable local support website or via direct notification by Intergraph. If applicable, Customer may also register on the Customer Support Web Site or applicable local support website to automatically receive email notifications when a new release of a Software Product is made available by Intergraph. Updates are shipped to Customer upon Customer request. Intergraph is not obligated to produce any Updates. 5.1.2
Updates. If the Software is an upgrade or update to a previous version of the Software, Licensee must possess a valid license to such previous version in order to use such upgrade or update. All upgrades and updates are provided to Licensee subject to the terms of this Agreement on a license exchange basis. Licensee agrees that by using an upgrade or update Licensee voluntarily terminates Licensee’s right to use any previous version of the Software. As an exception, Licensee may continue to use previous versions of the Software after Licensee obtains the upgrade or update but only for a reasonable period of time to assist Licensee in the transition to the upgrade or update, and further provided that such simultaneous use shall not be deemed to increase the number of copies, licensed amounts, or scope of use granted to Licensee hereunder. Upgrades and updates may be licensed to Licensee by Adobe with additional or different terms.
Updates. AVG, from time to time during the Subscription Period and, without your separate permission or consent, may deploy Updates for any Solution, and you may not be able to use the applicable Solution or Device (or certain functions of the Device) until the Update is fully installed. Updates will be deemed a part of the Solution for all purposes under this Agreement. Updates may include both additions to and removals of particular functionality offered by a Solution or may replace it entirely, and the content and functionality of such updates is at the sole discretion of AVG. AVG or your Device may offer you the option to decline or delay Updates, but you must download and permit installation of all available Updates to obtain maximum benefit from the Solution. AVG may stop providing support for a Solution until you have accepted and installed all Updates. AVG will determine when and if Updates are appropriate and has no obligation to make any Updates available to you. AVG in its sole discretion may stop providing Updates for any version of the Solution other than the most current version, or Updates supporting use of the Solution in connection with any versions of operating systems, email programs, browser programs and other software with which the Solution is designed to operate.
Updates. If the Software is an Update to a previous version of the Software, User must possess a valid license to such previous version to use the Update. Neither the Software nor any previous version may be used by or transferred to a third party. All Updates are provided to User on a license exchange basis and are subject to all of the terms and conditions of the EULA provided with the Update. By using an Update, User (i) agrees to voluntarily terminate User’s right to use any previous version of the Software, except to the extent that the previous version is required to transition to the Update; and (ii) acknowledges and agrees that any obligation that Hexagon may have to support the previous version(s) of the Software will end upon availability of the 2.0 AKTUALIZACE. Pokud je Software Aktualizací některé předchozí verze Softwaru, musí Uživatel vlastnit platnou licenci k takové předchozí verzi, aby mohl danou Aktualizaci používat. Software ani žádná z jeho předchozích verzí nesmí být dány do užívání třetí osobě a ani nesmí být na žádnou třetí osobu převedeny. Veškeré Aktualizace jsou poskytovány Uživateli na základě výměny licencí a vztahují se na ně veškeré podmínky smlouvy EULA poskytnuté s takovou Aktualizací. Používáním Aktualizace (i) se Uživatel zavazuje k dobrovolnému ukončení Uživatelova práva používat jakoukoliv předchozí verzi Softwaru s výjimkou rozsahu, v jakém je taková předchozí verze vyžadována pro přechod na danou Aktualizaci; a (ii) potvrzuje a souhlasí s tím, že jakýkoliv případný závazek společnosti Hexagon poskytovat podporu pro předchozí verzi (verze) Softwaru zaniká v okamžiku Update. If an Update is provided, User will take prompt action to install such Update as directed by Xxxxxxx. If User fails to do so, User acknowledges that the Software may not work correctly or that User will not be able to take advantage of all the Software’s available features. In such event, Hexagon will not be liable for additional costs User incurs because of User’s failure to install such Update. For Third Party Software, please read carefully the applicable Third Party Terms regarding concurrent use of an Update and the prior version of Software during transition to the Update as the Third Party Terms may differ from terms applicable to Hexagon Software Products. dostupnosti dané Aktualizace. Pokud je poskytnuta Aktualizace, pak Uživatel neprodleně přistoupí k instalaci takové Aktualizace podle pokynů společnosti Hexagon. Pokud tak Uživatel neučiní, bere na ...
Updates. 8.8 Aktualizace.
Updates. Licensee and each Authorized Network shall implement all upgrades made available to any protection system it employs as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event later than thirty (30) days after they become available, except as otherwise authorized or directed in writing by Licensor.
Updates. During the Service Package availability period, which coin- cides with the term of the Service Package contract, we will provide you with updates to at least the extent required by law, unless otherwise agreed with you in accordance with the legal requirements.