WHEREAS. CzMVO is a non-profit organisation set-up by stakeholders in the medicines supply chain in the Czech Republic pursuant to Article 31 of the Delegated Regulation (as defined in Section 1 hereof), to establish and manage the National Medicines Verification System (as defined in Section 1 hereof) in the Czech Republic.
WHEREAS. Startup centre TUKE and Incubator TUKE operate in the area of the support of potential startups and development of innovations;
WHEREAS. Parties have entered into a Format License Agreement with regard to the first Local Series of Talpa’s format “I Love My Country” dated 22 March 2013 and several addenda, including an addendum for the second local series dated 23 July 2013, an addendum for the third local series dated 1 February 2014, an addendum for the fourth local series dated 16 March 2015 and an addendum for the fifth local series dated 12 May 2016 (together “Agreement”);
WHEREAS. Licensor controls the distribution and exploitation rights on the Picture(s) indicated in Item 1 of the Deal Terms hereto; Licensee has expressed its willingness to exploit the Picture(s) subject to the Deal Terms set forth below and to the Standard Terms and Conditions, which together form the Agreement, in order to exploit the Picture(s) and for the rights indicated in Item 2, in the Territory indicated in Item 3 and for the Period indicated in Item 4; The Licensor hereby declares that it is in the process of appointing in the role of Collection Agent a third company. Licensee acknowledges that upon signature by Licensor of the agreement with the Collection Agent, any payment due from Licensee according to this Agreement shall be made to the Collection Agent, during the period in which the Collection Agent is entrusted thereto in order to maintain the highest standard of transparency and impartiality, unless otherwise indicated by Licensor. To this regards, Licensor shall communicate in writing Licensee if any payment shall be made to this Collection Anget Notwithstanding the aforementioned point 3, the Parties mutually agree and undertake that any statement, as per Item 8 of the Deal Terms, shall be sent exclusively to Licensor; As used in this Agreement capitalized terms shall have the meaning indicated in Attachment A, or in the relevant article of this Agreement. The Premises, the Standard Terms and Conditions and the Attachments are an essential parts of this Agreement. Terrestrial Free Television X X
WHEREAS. 1 In the framework of the SMART PROGRAM, the Parties have submitted a proposal for a Project entitled: “Flex-TOOL - An integral process value chain based on Hybrid Manufacturing process for a flexible and reconfigurable production of high complexity tooling”, hereinafter referred to as "the Project";
WHEREAS. KIC LE and the other KIC Partners, including P1 P2 P3 P4 TP1 , are a party to the FPA (as defined above);
WHEREAS. The Seller hereby declares that the Seller is the sole owner of the following real estate:
WHEREAS. Licensor controls the distribution and exploitation rights on the Picture(s) indicated in Item 1 of the Deal Terms hereto;
WHEREAS. The Borrower has stated that it is undertaking an operation (the “Project”) to support, facilitate and accelerate the implementation of schemes (each, a “Scheme” and, together, the “Schemes”) under the Slovak development strategy as defined in the National Strategic Reference Framework (“NSRF”) and 11 (eleven) Operational Programmes (each, an “Operational Programme” and, together, the “Operational Programmes”) as follows: Regional OP, OP Environment, OP Transport, OP Informatisation of Society, OP Research and Development, OP Competitiveness and Economic Growth, OP Health, OP Technical Assistance, OP Bratislava Region, OP Employment and Social Inclusion and OP Education prepared for the 2007-2013 programming period as more particularly described in the technical description (the „„Technical Description‟‟) set out in Schedule A.
WHEREAS. The KIC LE will enter into the Framework Partnership Agreement (“FPA”) with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (“EIT”), with the effective date of January 1, 2020 establishing a long term cooperation (“framework partnership”), and setting out its terms and conditions and the general terms and conditions and rights and obligations applicable to the specific grants that may be awarded by the EIT for specific actions under the framework partnership; Specific grants may be awarded by EIT (“Xxxxx(s)”) to the KIC EIT Manufacturing in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of the FPA; The KIC LE shall subsequently enter into Specific Agreements (“SGA(s)”) with the EIT for the subsequent years for which a Grant is awarded by EIT, starting with year 2020 (“Relevant Year(s)”); EIT Manufacturing Partner will enter into the Accession Form as KIC Partner or is a Linked Third Party that is mentioned in Annex 5 to the FPA. In this Agreement, KIC LE and EIT Manufacturing Partner wish to lay down the general terms and conditions and rights and obligations, regarding all the KIC Activities in which EIT Manufacturing Partner will be involved during the Relevant Years, and regarding part of the specific Grants to be received in respect of the tasks/activities that will be performed by EIT Manufacturing Partner in the Relevant Years; For each Relevant Year, if the EIT Manufacturing Partner is involved in KIC added value Activities, KIC LE and EIT Manufacturing Partner will enter into a Specific Annex to this Agreement, detailing specific arrangements for a Relevant Year in the format as attached in Annex A to this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1: Definitions