Rights and Obligations Vzorová ustanovení

Rights and Obligations. 2.1. The Lender declares that the borrowed Equipment is fit to be used appropriately and that its technical condition complies with the relevant standards and regulations. The Borrower accepts the borrowed Equipment.
Rights and Obligations. 2.1. The Lender declares that the borrowed Equipment is fit to be used appropriately and that its technical condition complies with the relevant standards and regulations. The Borrower accepts the borrowed Equipment. 2.2. Půjčitel se zavazuje zajistit na vlastní náklady pojištění věci. 2.2. Xxxxxx agrees, at it own expense, to take insurance for the Equipment for the borrowing period. 2.3. Výpůjčka věci je bezúplatná a vypůjčitel není oprávněn přenechat vypůjčenou věc třetí osobě. 2.3.
Rights and Obligations. 2.1. The Lender declares that the borrowed Equipment is fit to be used appropriately and that its technical condition complies with the relevant standards and regulations. The Borrower accepts the borrowed Equipment. Xxxxxx agrees, at it own expense, to take insurance for the Equipment for the borrowing period. The Equipment loan is free of charge, and the Borrower does not have the right to transfer the borrowed Equipment to any third party. The Borrower undertakes to leave all labels, tags, serial numbers and similar markings on the borrowed Equipment. The Equipment handover means its shipment, placement on the Borrower's premises at the site referred to in Article I (1.2) hereto as per the Lender's instructions, putting into operation, advising the Borrower on how to use the Equipment, , and handing over instructions for use and safety instruction for use both in Czech version. If the Lender conceals any defect of the borrowed Equipment or fails to hand over the necessary documents (listed in the inventory checklist provided with the Equipment) for the borrowed Equipment or inform the Borrower of the operating instructions for the borrowed Equipment and if the Borrower shall suffer any damage as a result, the Lender must fully reimburse the Borrower. If such a defect hinders the use of the Equipment substantially or renders its use impossible the Borrower may terminate this Agreement immediately by sending the termination notice to Borrower. The Borrower undertakes to inform the Lender of any damage to the Equipment without any undue delay upon learning about such a damage. The Lender shall provide all repairs and maintenance of the borrowed Equipment at their own cost. In case the landed equipment is considered as medical device, the Lender is obliged to ensure all repairs, professional maintenance and all revisions of the landed equipment in compliance with Act No. 89/2021 Coll., on medical devices and Act No. 268/2014 Coll., on in vitro diagnostic medical devices, as amended.. If the Borrower breaks the terms of this Agreement, especially transferring the Equipment to any third party, the Lender is entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately by sending the termination notice to Borrower. III. Period of Use 3.1. This Agreement is made for a fixed period, i.e. for the period of performing the subject matter for which the Equipment shall be used. 3.2. The Lender may request the Equipment return before the end of the determined period of use as per ...
Rights and Obligations. 1) In connectíon with the organization of the conference, the customer in particular ensures:
Rights and Obligations. 2.1. The Lender declares that the borrowed Equipment is fit to be used appropriately and that its technical condition complies with the relevant standards and regulations. The Borrower accepts the borrowed Equipment. 2.2. The Lender acknowledges that the Borrower is not entitled to insure the Equipment and therefore he / she will arrange for the eventual insurance of the Equipment by himself. 2.3. The Equipment loan is free of charge, and the Borrower does not have the right to transfer the borrowed Equipment to any third party. 2.4. The Borrower undertakes to leave all labels, tags, serial numbers and similar markings on the borrowed Equipment. 2.5. The Equipment handover means its shipment, placement on the Borrower's premises at the site referred to in Article I (1.2) hereto as per the Lender's instructions, putting into operation, advising the Borrower on how to use the Equipment, and handing over instructions for use and safety instruction for use both in Czech version. 2.6. If the Lender conceals any defect of the borrowed Equipment or fails to
Rights and Obligations. 2.1. The Lender declares that the borrowed Equipment is fit to be used appropriately and that its technical condition complies with the relevant standards and regulations. The Borrower accepts the borrowed Equipment. 2.2. The Borrower agrees, at its own expense, to take insurance for the Equipment for the borrowing period. 2.3. The Equipment loan is free of charge, and the Borrower does not have the right to transfer the borrowed Equipment to any third party. 2.4. The Borrower undertakes to leave all labels, tags, serial numbers and similar markings on the borrowed Equipment. 2.5. The Equipment handover means its shipment, placement on the Borrower's premises at the site referred to in Article I (1.2) hereto as per the Lender's instructions, putting into operation, advising the Borrower on how to use the Equipment, , and handing over instructions for use and safety instruction for use both in Czech version. 2.6. If the Lender conceals any defect of the borrowed Equipment or fails to hand over the necessary documents (listed in the inventory checklist provided with the Equipment) for the borrowed Equipment or inform the Borrower of the operating instructions for the borrowed Equipment and if the Borrower shall suffer any damage as a result, the Lender must fully reimburse the Borrower. If such a defect hinders the use of the Equipment vypovědět tuto smlouvu půjčiteli bez výpovědní doby.