Power of representation Musterklauseln

Power of representation. (1) The Contractor may not represent Encory in legal transactions unless Encory has authorized it in writing to do so. However, it shall be entitled to take action required to complete the contractual performance as set out in the contract and to ensure that the project can be conducted correctly, which action shall not have any negative effects of a qualitative, deadline or financial nature for Encory. This shall also apply to declarations which are materially necessary for the coordination and monitoring of the execution of the contract. In particular, the Contractor shall be commissioned and authorized to represent Encory against third parties involved in the project for dealing with defects, setting deadlines and for placing call-off orders and issuing warning notices for contractual performance.
Power of representation. The technicians shall not be authorized to represent.
Power of representation. The technicians shall not be authorized to represent. The customer has to ensure that the technician(s) will be granted access to the premises on the date of performance; otherwise, the customer will have to refund the additional expenditure incurred. After a number of attempts to remedy defects which is acceptable to the customer have failed, the customer will be entitled to the statutory rights, in particular the right to reduction of the price and cancel- lation of the contract. The foregoing sentence shall not apply if N&M unjustifiably refuses to remedy the defects or unreasonably delays such rectification of defects; in that case, the customer will immediately be entitled to the statutory rights.
Power of representation. (1) The Contractor may not represent Encory in legal transactions unless Encory has authorized it in writing to do so. In the event such authorization to represent Encory is granted, the Contractor shall inform Encory in detail about any case the authorization was used in writing. The contractor shall be entitled to take action required to complete the contractual performance as set out in the contract and to ensure that the project can be conducted correctly, which action shall not have any negative effects of a qualitative, deadline or financial nature for Encory. This shall also apply to declarations which are materially necessary for the coordination and monitoring of the execution of the contract. In particular, the Contractor shall be commissioned and authorized to represent Encory against third parties involved in the project for dealing with defects, setting deadlines and for placing call-off orders and issuing warning notices for contractual performance.

Related to Power of representation

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