423 Component definition
Examples of 423 Component in a sentence
The Board may establish different and additional rules governing transfers between separate Offerings within the 423 Component and between Offerings under the 423 Component and Offerings under the Non-423 Component.
If a Participant transfers from an Offering under the Non-423 Component to an Offering under the 423 Component, the exercise of the Purchase Right will remain non-qualified under the Non-423 Component for the remainder of the Offering.
If payroll deductions are impermissible or problematic under Applicable Law or if specifically provided in the Offering and to the extent permitted by Section 423 of the Code with respect to the 423 Component, in addition to or instead of making Contributions by payroll deductions, a Participant may make Contributions through payment by cash, check or wire transfer prior to a Purchase Date.
In addition, the Company may make separate Offerings which vary in terms (provided that such terms are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan or the requirements of an Employee Stock Purchase Plan to the extent the Offering is made under the 423 Component), and the Company will designate which Designated Company is participating in each separate Offering.
The Company intends (but makes no undertaking or representation to maintain) the 423 Component to qualify as an Employee Stock Purchase Plan.