Examples of A short lease in a sentence
A short lease is generally considered as one with 80 years or less left on the term, although different lenders have different criteria.
A short lease covers a period under ten years, while a long lease covers a period of ten years or more.
A short lease is a lease which is not a long lease in terms of section 1(2) of the Formalities in Respect of Leases of Land Act 18 of 1969.
A short lease of less than 7 years may however be let at less than best rental if the proposal supports the authority’s policies / work.
A short lease means a short wait during recovery but a higher cost to renew the lease.
Short Lease: A short lease is when the lease is less than one year.
A short lease with options to renew may be more suitable than a longer lease with break clauses.
A short lease is a lease of less than seven years (Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 s 13(1)).
A short lease means a lease referred to in section 54(2) of the Law of Property Act 1925.
A short lease will be detrimental to cluster performance, as it will require the cluster nodes to continually access the DHCP server to obtain a new IP address.