AB 288 definition
Examples of AB 288 in a sentence
SCHOOL DISTRICT shall select students consistent with the intent of AB 288 to include: high school students “who may not already be college bound or who are underrepresented in higher education with the goal of developing seamless pathways from high school to community college for career technical education or preparation for transfer improving high school graduation rates, and assisting high school pupils to achieve college and career readiness” Sec.
The finalization of courses to be offered via AB 288 Dual Enrollment pathways is contingent upon division approval.
By mutual agreement of the XXXXXXX DISTRICT and the SCHOOL DISTRICT, additional career and technical education pathways that align with AB 288 guidelines are permissible.
Any updates to Appendix (A), by mutual agreement of the SCHOOL DISTRICT, and the XXXXXXX DISTRICT, shall be in accordance with AB 288 Sec.
The community college is prohibited from providing physical education course opportunities to high school students participating in the AB 288 CCAP Partnership Agreement or any other courses that do not assist in the attainment of at least one of these goals.
The XXXXXXX DISTRICT shall not provide physical education course opportunities to students at the SCHOOL DISTRICT or any other course opportunities that do not assist in the attainment of at least one of the goals listed in subdivision (a) of AB 288 Sec.
Since community college districts are authorized to continue providing non-CCAP dual enrollment opportunities (including non-CCAP partnership agreements), in order to trigger the benefits specifically authorized under AB 288, college districts are advised to specify clearly in its agreement the title “College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement”.
How does this relate to Board Policy: This item is submitted in accordance with Board Policy 3250: Institutional Planning.FUNDING SOURCE AND FINANCIAL IMPACT: AB 288 makes it possible for community college districts to collect apportionment for CCAP Partnership Agreement classes offered at high schools provided that attendance requirements for high schools are met; therefore, this has the potential to not only increase student access but also generate more funding for NOCCCD.
The Chancellor may void any CCAP partnership agreement if he or she determines that the agreement has not complied with the requirements of AB 288.
An example of the flexibility provided by AB 288 is the ability to offer closed courses on high school campuses during the regular school day as prescribed by Education Code section 76004(o).