Examples of Ability to benefit in a sentence
Ability to benefit SNG eligibility – The State Need Grant (SNG) program will continue to permit student eligibility through recognized ability-to-benefit standards through the 2013-14 academic year. Institutional Prioritization – Institutions are permitted to institute individual campus priorities in awarding State Need Grant e.g. prioritization based on level of need, previous recipients, etc.
Ability to benefit is defined as sufficient aptitude to benefit from post-secondary education without a high school diploma or equivalent.
Provide a statement explaining the following items:» Plans for gigabit Internet service» Ability to benefit the community» Financial needIf the organization offers services at more than one location, the applicant should specify the single location that will benefit the most from having a Gbps Internet service.
Advice to organisation s and individuals in Xxxxxxxxx with Darwen and Blackpool about their archive collections Outreach – talks, group visits, roadshows, exhibitions for organisations, schools and colleges etc in Xxxxxxxxx with Darwen and Blackpool Ability to benefit from service income generated Share of the Xxxxxxxx.xxx Royalties.
Student Profile• Ability to benefit from academic and social skills instruction.• Behaviour hinders academic progress.• Lacks behavioural self-control as exhibited by:- poor anger management;- defiance of rules, authority, authority figures;- physical or verbal aggression.• May exhibit internalizing/externalizing behaviours.
Organisations chosen by EIT Food to organise the Project activities will be offered the following benefits: ● Ability to benefit from the collaboration with EIT Food and the EIT community (as subcontractors in EIT Food activities).● Subcontracting agreement with relevant EIT Food’s Co-Location Centre with gross funding of35.000€ to cover the eligible costs of the EIT Food EWA activities.● Knowledge and organisational support of EIT Food and Co-Location Centres in organising and implementing the actions.
The former Health Funding Authority defined ‘need’ as:…the capacity, ability, or propensity to benefit from defined health and disability services (Health Funding Authority 1998).However, such a definition requires elaboration.45 Ability to benefit could include: potential improvements in ‘health status’ following surgery, and the benefits of lives saved, or lives extended, in the case of people with malignancies or other life- threatening health conditions.
Ability to benefit could accommodate patients with ‘less severe’ health problems, if the provision of day case surgery can provide ‘ability to benefit’ through forgoing the adverse effects of years of slowly degenerating health status until a point of ‘severity’ is reached.
Who Can Participate?• High School Juniors and Seniors (Courses offered at high school locations are open to any college-age student.)• Minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA.• Score at college level in reading, writing, and math.• Ability to benefit from advanced scholastic work.
A ‘restriction’ is an obligation to refrain from doing something; e.g. it is not allowed to build within 200 meters of a fuel station.