Examples of Aboriginal Heritage Area in a sentence
The PBC represents the Native Title Group in relation to native title and Aboriginal Heritage matters in the Aboriginal Heritage Area.
Area to which this PSHA applies This PSHA applies to the Aboriginal Heritage Area.
Environmental Protection In co-operation with the PBC, the Proponent agrees to rehabilitate the Aboriginal Heritage Area as a result of its Activities as required by law.
The State shall respond to any complaint or concern raised by the Corporation regarding failure to rehabilitate the Aboriginal Heritage Area as required by law.
Environmental protection In co-operation with the Corporation, the State and Government Parties agree to rehabilitate the Aboriginal Heritage Area as a result of their Activities as required by law.
Consultation about Aboriginal Heritage Act applications Government Proponent must consult about Aboriginal Heritage Act applications Subject to the provisions of this clause 17.1, each Party acknowledges the benefit of the Corporation being consulted about a proposal by a Government Proponent to lodge an Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 16 Application or Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 18 Application in respect of any area within the Aboriginal Heritage Area.
This PSHA shall terminate on the occurrence of whichever of the following events is first to occur: all Parties agree in writing to end this PSHA; all Tenure held by the Proponent that is located wholly or partially within the Aboriginal Heritage Area has terminated or expired or been surrendered or cancelled; as referred to in clause 17.2(c)(ii), a court order is made to wind up the Proponent as the result of an Event of Default.
Agency monies must be deposited in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured commercial banks, trust companies, or credit unions located within the state, preferably located within the City of Ithaca and the urban renewal project boundary area.
Environmental protection In co-operation with the Corporation, the Proponent agrees to rehabilitate the Aboriginal Heritage Area as a result of their Activities as required by law.
Consultation about Aboriginal Heritage Act applications Proponent must consult about Aboriginal Heritage Act applications Subject to the provisions of this clause 17.1, each Party acknowledges the benefit of the Corporation being consulted about a proposal by a Proponent to lodge an Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 16 Application or Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 18 Application in respect of any area within the Aboriginal Heritage Area.