Examples of Abstain from voting in a sentence
Either batsman is out Run out, except as in clause 38.2, if, at any time while the ball is in play, he is out of his groundand his wicket is fairly put down by the action of a fielder even though No ball has been called, except in the circumstances of clause, and whether or not a run is being attempted.
Abstain from voting on the matter and refrain from discussion of the matter at any time with the other Board member.
Abstain from voting shall be represent as absence from attending the session, therefore votes of those abstain and shall not be dealt with when accounting for the majority provided that the number of votes given shall not be less than the quorum necessary for the correctness of the Council session.
Abstain from voting and from seeking to influence the vote on any matter related to the person or concern.
If you wish the Chairman of the Meeting as your proxy to Abstain from voting on a resolution, please tick in the Abstain box in respect of that resolution.
As discussed below, if you "Abstain" from voting, it will have the effect of a vote "Against" the item if a quorum is present.
Abstain from voting for those meeting(s) a Councilmember was absent.
Abstain from voting 536,167 shares (including exercised by way of electronic transmission 4,586 shares).
Abstain from voting in a situation where a conflict of interest (including financial interest) exists for that member.
Abstain from voting on that matter; and leave the room where the vote is to take place, until the votes have been counted.