Examples of Account Signatory in a sentence
This person can also request information about the card programme.Please note: If you wish this person to be able to make changes to your card programme, please also appoint them as an Account Signatory in section 2.2.The personal information collected here will only be used to confirm your identity in the event that we have contact with you by telephone.
Account Signatory) The primary cardholder will be required to sign the authorisation under Section 7.
Account Signatory BOL Administrator* Account Signatory BOL Administrator* If there are any additional authorised signatories on the account the Bank is to be given a full list of officials authorised to sign, the list to be provided to the Bank (in the format set out above), together with their specimen signatures.
You authorise Debitsuccess to make periodic debits on behalf of YMCA NSW of the amount payable, and to debit its administration, transaction charges and any dishonour fees under this DDR.Account or Card SignatorySecond Account Signatory (if required)Full Name Full Name Signature Signature Date Date Debitsuccess Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service AgreementThis Agreement is designed to explain what your obligations are when undertaking a Direct Debit arrangement involving Debitsuccess.
In the event the Members determine that a Campus Crest Triggering Event has not occurred, then Campus Crest shall have the right to reinstate the authority of the Campus Crest Authorized Bank Account Signatory with respect to the applicable bank or financial accounts.
If HSRE notifies Campus Crest that it reasonably believes, in good faith, that a Campus Crest Triggering Event has occurred, HSRE shall have the right, with or without further cause, in its sole and absolute discretion, to revoke the authority of any Campus Crest Authorized Bank Account Signatory and to appoint the HSRE Bank Account Representative as a replacement for such Campus Crest Authorized Bank Account Signatory.
Name of Authorized Bank Account Signatory orCardholder (print)Signature of Authorized Bank AccountSignatory or CardholderDate (mm/dd/yyyy) 6.
Address SuburbState Post Code Postal Address(if different to above) SuburbState Post Code Authorised Signatories Please fill in the details of the relevant account signatories forthe parish, organisation, company or trust in the space provided for Account Signatory 1 and 2 in Section 2 (previous page).
SPECIMEN SIGNATURES:•Account Holder shall be required to give to the Bank in a form acceptable to the Bank a specimen of the signature of the Account Holder and/or Any Authorized Account Signatory.
Clark Stearns expressed concerns about unforeseen increases (he sells products to municipalities and has seen monthly increases of his product).#7-21/22 Motion to adopt Draft #1 2022-23 Budget with 0% increase, was made by Clark Stearns, seconded by Gracie Martin and carried unanimously.4. Item: Account Signatory Addition (Action Anticipated):According to Board Policy, the Superintendent can review and is financially responsible for checks that require 2 signatures (one should be the Superintendent).