Purposes of the Agreement. 1. In the spirit of the Helsinki Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, the Contracting Parties shall cooperate in a neighborly spirit, keeping in mind their common interests as well as each other's special interests, in order to preserve and improve the quality of the Meuse.
2. For the purposes of international cooperation regarding the Meuse, the Contracting Parties hereby establish an International Commission for the Protection of the Meuse against Pollution.
Purposes of the Agreement. The purposes of this Agreement are to establish a community committee, comprised of community members, to:
Purposes of the Agreement. The Operator shall have the right to harvest the standing forage from Fields as shown on the Map subject to the following specifications: All cut materials must be removed from the fields within two weeks of cutting. No xxxxx may be left standing in the fields for more than five (5) days and must be removed from the field within that time. Spoiled windrows may be chopped back into the field using a shear bar type forage harvester. No field work may be conducted when soil is wet enough for ruts to form. No cutting may occur after (date). Pest control and fertilization will be the responsibility of the Operator. All applications of fertilizer or pesticides must be approved PRIOR to application by: The Owners make no guarantee as to the volume, condition, or quality of the standing forage. The use of any equipment or buildings which are the property of the Owners is not included in the terms of this Agreement.
Purposes of the Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize the parties, each of which is party to a non- profit joint venture known as Global Shipping Business Network (sometimes referred to herein as “GSBN”),1 to cooperate with respect to the operation of a platform for all shipping supply chain participants to work collaboratively to accelerate technology innovation and develop solutions through a blockchain-enabled, global trade digitized process that will enable shippers, authorities and other stakeholders to exchange information on supply chain events and documents (the “GSBN Platform”), and to collaborate with the Platform Provider (as hereinafter defined) on products and services to be offered on the GSBN Platform and the marketing of the products and services to be offered on the GSBN Platform. Initially, the GSBN Platform shall be capable of performing the following functions:
(i) providing application programming interfaces for the publication of and subscription to event data describing the physical progress of cargo through the supply chain and associated milestones, including events related to documents; (ii) storing documents in structured and unstructured form and sharing those documents with permissioned parties in the supply chain; and (iii) providing user interfaces and application programing interfaces for viewing event data, milestones, and documents, and managing users and access permission.
Purposes of the Agreement. The purposes of this Agreement are to take steps towards protecting and restoring the ecological integrity of the Rio Grande and to provide greater certainty for the Authority to develop and utilize a reliable water supply. The City and Authority recognize that the health and vitality of the Rio Grande and the Bosque and fish and wildlife that depend on them, including the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow and Southwestern willow flycatcher, contribute to the cultural, economic and environmental well-being of the City and the State of New Mexico. The Plaintiffs recognize that the Authority requires, a reliable water supply to ensure the future vitality and economic viability of the City and the region. In order to provide certainty to the Parties and to further these purposes, the Parties agree to work together to implement the provisions of this Agreement.
Purposes of the Agreement. The World Shipping Council (“WSC”) is a trade association that provides a unified voice for the global liner shipping industry on public policy matters impacting the industry. Since its establishment in 2000, WSC has interfaced with governments and advocated industry positions with regard to laws, policies, rules and regulations of governments and international organizations affecting liner carriers, and increased governmental and public awareness of the importance, necessity and efficiency of liner carrier services. The members of WSC have decided to expand the scope of issues to be addressed by and within WSC to include certain issues which would arguably fall within the FMC’s jurisdiction. The purpose of this Agreement is to comply with the Shipping Act by authorizing the parties hereto to discuss, communicate, and cooperate with regard to all matters as set forth in this Agreement.
Purposes of the Agreement. 2.01 The purposes of this Agreement are:
(a) to set out the terms under which the Authority may exercise the powers, functions and duties of a director under the Legislation;
(b) to ensure that appropriate government oversight of the Authority’s administration of the Legislation is established and maintained;
(c) to satisfy the requirements of section 177(2) of the BPCPA, section 59(1) of the CIFSA, section 12.4 of the MPA and section 19(c) of the TSA; and
(d) to set out the responsibilities of the Authority in delivering regulatory services in respect of all businesses regulated by the BPCPA, the CIFSA, the MPA or the TSA, including the licensing of certain regulated businesses.
Purposes of the Agreement. The purposes of this Agreement are, inter alia, to determine the conditions for the allocation of the Allocated Shares to MAGNA by the Company and the purchase of the Purchased Shares by the Company, transfer of current control in the Company to MAGNA and appointment of Directors and Officeholders on their behalf.
Purposes of the Agreement. 2.1 Effective January 1, 2004, the Corporation’s basic insurance rates will have to be approved by the Regulator. In determining the appropriate level of basic insurance premiums, the Regulator has been directed to take into account the cost of providing the non-insurance services covered by this Agreement (see “Special Direction IC1 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission” issued under the authority of the Insurance Corporation Act.)
2.2 The purposes of the Agreement are:
(a) To inform the Regulator of the non-insurance services that the Corporation delivers on behalf of Government.
(b) To assist the Regulator by including an agreed estimate of the costs incurred by the Corporation in delivering non-insurance services in the base year.
(c) To identify ways in which government and the Corporation will collaborate to ensure the most effective delivery of the non-insurance services identified in the Agreement, including the management of changes to those services.
Purposes of the Agreement. The purposes of this Agreement are as follows:
a) to maintain the KRPF that will be responsible for ensuring the provision of policing services in the Kativik region, in accordance with the Police Act;
b) to provide a contribution from Canada and Quebec for the funding of the policing services covered by this Agreement.