ACCT definition
Examples of ACCT in a sentence
College may grant a student credit for a dual credit course only if the course is offered in the college’s core curriculum; Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses that apply to any certificate or associate degree offered by the institution; and, courses with the following rubrics: ACCT, ARCH, BUSI, COSC, CRIJ, ENGR, ENGT, RNSG, BCIS, and foreign language courses.
ACCT 2301 Principles of Financial Accounting (3 SCH version)This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting as prescribed by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to transactions and events that affect business organizations.
Regression note: Subsequent to successfully completing a 100/3000/4000-level Accounting course, neither 120:030 (ACCT 2120) nor 120:031 (ACCT 2130) may be repeated.
The Board reviewed upcoming Meetings and Conferences of the AACC, ACCT, CCLC and CCCT.
The State of Texas will only fund dual credit courses that are: Core Curriculum or Foreign Language or Career/Technical/Workforce Courses, plus: ACCT (Accounting), AGRI (Agriculture), BCIS (Business Computer Information Systems), BUSI (Business), COSC (Computer Science).