Examples of Achievement test in a sentence
Admission for students with scores of 4 or 5 varies according to the guidelines established by the specific academic department.Placement in First Level Courses: Students who do not qualify for advanced placement (in a second level course) must take the first level course in Spanish, mathematics, and/or English, but they may be placed in different programs following criteria defined by their respective academic departments which may include but are not limited to College Board Achievement test scores.
The evaluation sample had 580 QOP enrollees and 489 controls.a Achievement test scores are expressed as percentiles in the distribution of scores for tenth graders in the United States.
Achievement test score on standardized assessments (i.e. MAP, PARCC) is two years below grade level in math, science, social studies and language arts.Remediation plans may include an extended school day.
Self nomination Students who exemplify the highest level of achievement along with the following criteria will ultimately be chosen for the program.1. Achievement test scores2.
Principal may use the following data to determine placement:• Achievement test, MAP Test, or another appropriate benchmark test• previous grades• curriculum guides• logs of student learning• activities in each subject• records of time spent on instruction• student portfolios Students may not be placed a grade ahead of where he/she would have been placed had he/she attended Renick R-V School initially.
Achievement test scores provided by the parent or from a test administered by the school.
Achievement test scores from locally administered assessments are screened annually to identify students who meet the achievement test score criteria for an automatic referral.
Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test, diagnostic test and remedial teaching.
Achievement test results, including scores on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test; 4.
At a later, unconfirmed date, the buildings situated directly in front of the Town Hall were demolished, opening up the space, creating a better vista to the Town Hall, from Castle Street, making it more imposing.