ACSP Compression Cycle definition

ACSP Compression Cycle means a Multilateral Compression Cycle established by the
ACSP Compression Cycle means a Multilateral Compression Cycle established by the Clearing House and facilitated by an ACSP nominated by the Clearing House, which shall be open to participation by SwapClear Clearing Members either on their own account or with respect to a SwapClear Clearing Client in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 56 and relevant Compression Documentation
ACSP Compression Cycle means a Multilateral Compression Cycle established by the Clearing House and facilitated by an ACSP nominated by the Clearing House, which shall be open to participation by FCM Clearing Members and FCM Clients in accordance with the provisions of Regulations 46(m) and relevant Compression Documentation.“Account Manager Executing Party”means an Executing Party that is eligible under the CEA and the CFTC Regulations to execute Unallocated FCM SwapClear Transactions.“Affected Client”means a client of an FCM Clearing Member (or potential client of an FCM Clearing Member) in respect of which the application of laws or regulations in the client’s jurisdiction of establishment or applicable in the context of activity on a relevant trading platform do not prevent or prohibit EMIR Client Clearing being provided to such client.“Aggregate Excess Loss”has the meaning assigned to it in the Clearing House's “General Regulations”.“Allocation Notice”means a message delivered to the Clearing House which contains the following information: (i) details of the Client Segregated Sub-Account or the Proprietary Account of the Post-Allocation Clearing Member to which an Unallocated FCM SwapClear Contract should be allocated; (ii) the amount of notional value of the Unallocated FCM SwapClear Contract to be allocated to each such Client Segregated Sub-Account or Proprietary Account of the Post- Allocation Clearing Member; and (iii) confirmation of the Unallocated FCM SwapClear Contract to which the Allocation Notice relates. Any additional information contained in the Allocation Notice (including any economic details) shall be disregarded by the Clearing House.“Approved Compression Services Provider” or “ACSP”means an entity other than the Clearing House which is approved by the Clearing House for the facilitation of Multilateral Compression in relation to eligible FCM SwapClear Contracts in accordance with Regulation 46 and relevant Compression Documentation“Applicable Law”means any applicable statute, law, ordinance, regulation, rule and other instruments in force from time to time, including the rules, codes or practice of a Governmental Authority or Regulatory Body.“Assumed Allocation”has the meaning assigned to it in FCM Regulation 15(d)(iii).“Auction Portfolio”has the meaning assigned to it in either (i) the SwapClear DMP Annex of the Default Rules or (ii) the ForexClear DMP Annex of the Default Rules, as applicable.“Authorised Compression Client”means an FCM Client that is p...

Examples of ACSP Compression Cycle in a sentence

  • Such ACSP shall notify SwapClear Clearing Members meeting the criteria at (de)(i) above of the timing and procedure for such ACSP Compression Cycle and invite such SwapClear Clearing Members to confirm their interest.

  • Where the Clearing House intends to run an ACSP Compression Cycle, it shall nominate an ACSP to facilitate that ACSP Compression Cycle and produce the Compression Proposal.

  • Ceria nanorods (CeO2-R) were prepared by adding dropwise a NaOH solution (75.59 g NaOH dissolved in 200 mL of distilled water) into a solution of CeCl3·7H2O (5.36 g in 40 mL of distilled water).

  • Turn your whole soul to your absent Master, and make this your one business—to bring the King back to His palace and throne in your heart.Ah! I can well imagine what lies Satan will tell you.

More Definitions of ACSP Compression Cycle

ACSP Compression Cycle means a Multilateral Compression Cycle established by theClearing House and facilitated by an ACSP nominated by the Clearing House, which shall be open to participation by FCM Clearing Members and FCM Clients in accordance with the provisions of Regulations 46(m) and relevant Compression Documentation.

Related to ACSP Compression Cycle

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.