Act of 1907 definition
Examples of Act of 1907 in a sentence
Because the immigration inspector lacked the requisite proof to exclude the applicant on criminal grounds, however, the inspector attempted to deny entry on public charge grounds of inadmissibility under section 2 of the Immigration Act of 1907 (36 Stat 264).
Laws such as the Burma Village Act of 1907 and the Burma Municipal Act of 1898 formed the legal basis of public administration.
Many laws from this era continue to have an important influence on post-colonial public administration, e.g. the Burma Village Act of 1907.
Roosevelt’s encouragement led to passage of the Tillman Act of 1907.
We shall monitor your compliance with the requirements of this clause 45 and any failure to comply may be treated by us as a fundamental breach of this Agreement for the purpose of clause 23 (Reduction, Suspension, Withholding and Recovery of Grant) and 30 (Termination/Events of Default).
It will be remembered that one of the sorest points in the Asiatic Act of 1907 was that it required direct registration of minors under sixteen years.
Copyright - Subsistence of - Section 22(1) of British Copyright Act of 1911 providing that Act not applicable to designs capable of registration under Patents and Designs Act of 1907 - Engineering drawings in question not qualifying as design in terms of s 76 of Act 9 of 1916 in that general shape and other visible features of valves determined by purely functional features - Copyright Act of 1911 therefore applicable.
The MAV is a body corporate established under the Municipal Association Act of 1907 to provide services for and represent Local Government authorities in Victoria.
These existing laws include, among others: (i) the Transfer of Property Act (1882); (ii) the Land Acquisition Act (1894) that empowers the State to acquire land where it is needed for any public purpose; (iii) the Land Nationalization Act of 1953, (iv) the Disposal of Tenancies Law of 1963, (v) Towns Act of 1907,(vi) Village Act of 1907, (vii) Farmland Law of 2011, and (viii) Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law of 2012.
NOTE: If the stove has been shut off, and you want to re-start it while it is still warm, the “on/off” button must be held down for 2 seconds.