Active Cases definition
Examples of Active Cases in a sentence
Active Cases Report the number of cases that were active and awaiting disposition at the beginning of the month.
Caseload Reports1.4 - Average Time to Disposition for Pending Active Cases - Last 12 Full Months Cases initially filed since January 1, 2006Count of days from the filing of the initial Petition to adjudication of the initial Petition.Letters of Administration or Letters Testamentary should be issued within 90 days.
If the MFCU determines that it is no longer necessary for the MCO to refrain from review or investigation activities, the MFCU will remove the stand-down from the MFCU Active Cases list uploaded to the secure PI website.
This data is shown Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2 Sixty-five (65) Percent of the 871 Active Cases Fell Within the 150 Day Limit.
See paragraphs 21-22 of the report.GovernmentThe President of the Commission for Missing Persons of Montenegro participated in the regional meeting of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) on December 7, 2017 in Belgrade, where the Database of Active Cases of Missing Persons Due to Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia was presented.
Active Cases CNSUse the following CNS codes to generate Establishment Notices for active cases: Type of overpaymentCNS Code if recoupwill start in WMSWhen any of the above codes are used and the appropriate worker entry fields are completed, they generate the CNS Demand Notice, which includes the Calculation of Total Overpayment information.
What We Do: Active Cases, CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, do/our-cases/floyd-et-al-v-city-new-york-et-al, archived at
Adults Participants; and Active Cases by age group.• Stephanie Roe, Workforce Initiative Update.
ENTR analysts review, document and track the emails received via ECCO.LEADS in NTIS and send the leads to the ERO Field Offices for action.Reasonable Accommodations (RA) Active Cases: ICE tracks requests and provision of reasonable accommodations for detainees with certain disabilities per ICE Directive 11071.1, in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (RA) of 1973.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance, “Table 34: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – Active Cases, Percent Distribution of TANF Youngest Child Recipient by Age Group.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009, www.acf.hhs.gov1-13.