Examples of Actuarial assumption in a sentence
Actuarial assumption changes and issuance of debt instruments do not qualify as a new proposal.
Actuarial assumption changes resulting in remeasurement are recognized directly in net assets in the period they occur.BCSA is a participating employer of the Public Service Pension Plan, a jointly trusteed pension plan.
Actuarial assumption changes and model updates not included in underlying earnings before tax had an adverse impact on income before tax of EUR 131 million.
Actuarial assumption and model updatesAssumptions are reviewed periodically, typically in the third quarter, based on historical experience and observable market data, including market transactions such as acquisitions and reinsurance transactions.
S ee 9904.401–30 fo r t h e b r o a de r defi n i t io n a n d 9904.407–30 fo r a m o r e r es t r ic t ed defi n i t io n a pplic a ble o n l y t o t h e s t a n d a r d o n t h e u se of s t a n d a r d cos t s fo r di r ec t m a t e r i a l a n d di r ec t l a bo r .Actuarial assumption.