Ad Unit definition
Examples of Ad Unit in a sentence
You will reinstate the removed Facebook Ad Unit within 12 hours of us notifying you that we have cured the issue giving rise to the applicable material degradation or material impediment.
Each month during the Term, for all Properties on which you implemented, during the previous month, the Facebook Ad Unit, we will pay you a percentage of Net Revenue (“Ad Share”) arising from such Properties for the previous month.
In the event that we serve any Facebook Ad Unit that causes a material degradation in or otherwise materially impedes the functionality of any of your Properties, as your sole and exclusive remedy, you will be entitled to remove the Facebook Ad Unit and you will notify us immediately of such removal.
For each month during the Term after the Facebook Ad Unit Launch Date in which we served Content for display on the Properties, for all Zynga Game Pages on which you did not, during the previous month, implement the Facebook Ad Unit (other than as a result of the removals made pursuant to Section 2.b(viii)), you will pay us an amount equal to [*].
Within 15 days of the end of each month of the Term you shall send us a report that (1) identifies the specific Properties on which you implemented the Facebook Ad Unit during the previous month and (2) the number of Page Views generated during the previous month of all Zynga Game Pages on which a Facebook Ad Unit was not implemented (“Monthly Page View Count”).
You acknowledge and agree that if we offer any third party the ability to display advertising on its website as part of an official advertising network using iFrames that are larger than the Facebook Ad Unit, doing so shall not be deemed a breach of this Section 2.(x), and we agree to offer you the same larger iFrame format.
Ad Unit content is for informational and promotional purposes only.
You agree not to display on the same Web page in connection with which any Ad Unit, Ad, Link, Search Box, or Referral Button is displayed (a "Serviced Page") any advertisement(s) or content that an end user of Your Property(ies) would reasonably confuse with a Google advertisement or otherwise associate with Google.
In addition, You agree that You may only display one (1) Ad Unit within Your media player at any single time, unless otherwise approved by Google in writing.
In addition, the project will focus on having the following three sections provided first based on’s interests: Batch / Bulk Upload Engine, Content Library with Auto-Fill Engine, and Ad Unit Creation Engine.