Examples of Addenda or Addendum in a sentence
Addenda or Addendum: means a document containing additional information or changes to the requirements of the Bid Document issued by the SRCE which is part of the Bid Document.
The Addenda or Addendum consist of the written clarifications of the Proposal Requirements, Preliminary Design Documents, or the Contract Documents issued by the City prior to the execution of the Construction Contract.
Addenda or Addendum Written or graphic instrument issued prior to the bid opening which modifies or interprets the proposed Contract Documents by additions, deletions, clarifications, or corrections.
In this RFQ: Addenda or Addendum means each and every written document issued by the Contact Person for the purpose of amending or clarifying this RFQ.
These may include but not be limited to: Addenda (or Addendum if singular) issued during RFP process; Section 1 - Instructions and General Conditions; Section 2 - Statement of Requirements and Special Conditions; Section 3 - Submission Instructions, Format, and Forms.