Examples of Invitation to Offer in a sentence
This Invitation to Offer and the Offer Documents are governed by the laws in force in Queensland.
All intellectual property rights which exist in information contained in this Invitation to Offer or any related material will remain the property of Council but the Respondent is permitted to use that information and material for the purpose only of compiling its Offer.
Without limiting any other term of this Invitation to Offer, Council may shortlist Respondents (if applicable), accept or reject any Offer (including rejecting all Offers in order to reissue this Invitation to Offer) or annul the Procurement Process, at any time, or terminate the Procurement Process, without any obligation to inform the affected Respondent or Respondents of the grounds for Council’s action or inaction.
If this Invitation to Offer is not for an expression of interest process, the amount of money which the Respondent offers to carry out the Supply must be included in the Pricing Schedule and the completed schedule of the Respondent’s details (Returnable Schedule 1).
Closing date and time means the date and time stated in the Invitation to Offer or Request for Quote, or such later time as may be notified by the Customer.
Without limiting any other term of this Invitation to Offer (including clauses Error! Reference source not found., 19 and 22), Council may shortlist Respondents (if applicable), accept or reject any Offer (including rejecting all Offers in order to reissue this Invitation to Offer) or annul the Procurement Process, at any time, or terminate the Procurement Process, without any obligation to inform the affected Respondent or Respondents of the grounds for Council’s action or inaction.
This Invitation to Offer is for the supply and delivery of proprietary inground feature light housings.
For the avoidance of doubt the NHS PASA shall not be under any obligation to terminate at the same time the participation of other suppliers that may have been awarded the right to participate in a framework agreement as a result of the procurement process subject of the Invitation to Offer.
Respondents should note the following defined terms: Term Definition Addenda or Addendum means any document issued by Council pursuant to clause 7 of this Invitation to Offer.
Closing date and time means the date and time stated in the Invitation to Offer or Request for Quote, or such later time as may be notified by TAFE Queensland.