Examples of Addenda/Addendum in a sentence
Upon submitting a Proposal, Proponents are required to acknowledge each of the Addenda on the Proponent’s Information Form contained herein and will become part of the submission.It is the responsibility of the Proponent to ensure that it has retrieved any and/or all Addenda/Addendum issued prior to the Closing Date and Time.
It is the responsibility of Proponents to ensure that they have retrieved any and all Addenda/Addendum issued prior to the Closing Date and Time.
It is the responsibility of the Supplier to ensure that they have retrieved any and all Addenda/Addendum issued prior to the Closing Date and Time.
Bidders are required to acknowledge each Addenda/Addendum in the Bidder’s Information Form with their submission.
All Bidders shall have a Bidding System Vendor Account and be registered as a Plan Taker for this Bid opportunity, which will enable the Bidder to download the Bid Call Document, to receive Addenda/Addendum email notifications, download Addendums and to submit their Bid electronically through the Bidding System.