Examples of Additional Gas in a sentence
Sellers shall use reasonable endeavors to supply, and Buyer shall use reasonable endeavors to offtake this Additional Gas Quantity at the Delivery Point.
This PSA covers the production and marketing of certain gas from the Songo Songo gas field.The gas in the Songo Songo field is divided between Protected Gas and Additional Gas.
This omission is particularly troubling because, as Ms. Watt points out, all of the data necessary to conduct this analysis is contained in the GCG Economic Impact and Urban Decay Analysis, but the study and the DEIR completely overlook the question of how much secondary growth will be induced by the Project’s economic impacts in the area.
During the Services Term, in addition to the Additional Gas Payment, Seller shall compensate Buyer, or Buyer shall compensate Seller, for deviations between the expected Gas consumption of the Units and the amount of Gas metered at the Gas Delivery Point as follows.
To the extent that during the Services Term Seller desires to have delivered Gas other than Buyer’s Gas (“Additional Gas”), Seller shall provide Notice to Buyer of the quantities of Additional Gas required and time at which the Additional Gas is required, and subject to timely receipt of such Notice, Buyer shall procure and schedule the supply and transportation of such Additional Gas to (or otherwise make such Additional Gas available at) the Gas Delivery Point, as requested by Seller.