Examples of Adjacent Network Operator in a sentence
II.8 Each Storage User acknowledges that after 1500 hours on D-1 a matching process will take place between EKB and each Adjacent Network Operator in accordance with the rules of such Adjacent Network Operator (the timing of which may differ from Adjacent Network Operator to Adjacent Network Operator) in respect of the nominations made by or on behalf of the Storage User to the Adjacent Network Op- erator for each Hour in the Gas Day and the Confirmed Nominations.
Publicly-accessible EVSE shall be reserved for parking and charging electric vehicles only.
EKB shall notify the Storage Users of any changes to the lead time for Renominations at a Connection Point made by an Adjacent Network Operator.
On any occasion the Adjacent Network Operator does not accept such natural gas, then EKB shall be regarded as having failed to make available Working Gas to the Storage User and this shall be an " Off Spec Gas Event".
In the event that the nomination or renomi- nation procedures of an Adjacent Network Operator change or a further Adjacent Network is connected to the Storage Facility, EKB shall, in accordance with § 28, amend GT&C Appendix II as far as possible to reflect such changes, taking into account the effect of the nomination and renomination procedures of all other Ad- jacent Network Operators.
In the event that either EKB or an Adjacent Network Operator rejects the off take of Off Spec Gas, EKB shall notify the relevant Storage Users by means of their Capacity Rights Accounts (with a copy by email) of such rejection as soon as rea- sonably practicable.
If EKB makes available Off Spec Gas to a Storage User, the Storage User shall only be obliged to off take such Off Spec Gas to the extent that the Adjacent Net- work Operator at the Connection Point accepts the same and where on any occa- sion the Adjacent Network Operator accepts such natural gas, then the natural gas shall be regarded as not being Off Spec Gas on that occasion.
The Network Operator acting as Meter Operator shall provide all meter readings to its Adjacent Network Operator on request and shall have an obligation to consult with the other Network Operator to determine the gas flow at the system interconnection point.
Furthermore, the Customer shall also make a corresponding Nomination / Re-nomination with the Adjacent Network Operator.
The undertaking of the Customer/Storage Operator to hand over gas into/from the Storage Zone shall be deemed fulfilled if the Storage Operator/Customer delivers, or ensures the delivery of gas in the contracted quantities and in accordance with the Adjacent Network Operator specifications (quality), while meeting the minimum / maximum parameters (volume, pressure) of the relevant Takeover / Return Point.