Work Site definition

Work Site means the site where the Work is being performed.
Work Site or “Site” means the area or areas on or about the City’s property where the Work is to be carried out.
Work Site means as agreed between the parties.

Examples of Work Site in a sentence

  • FIRM shall designate a responsible member of its organization at the Work site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents.

More Definitions of Work Site

Work Site means any motor vehicle, office, building, yard, or other location at which the driver is to perform work or any other school district property or at any school district event.
Work Site means the site of proposed work as detailed in the specification or any other place where the work is to be executed under the contract.
Work Site means the location of at which the Contractor, including but not limited to the Contractor's employees, performs the tasks and responsibilities related to the completion of the contract.
Work Site means the space identified and circumscribed on construction documents. The work site is controlled by the Contractor and the Contractor is responsible for compliance to regulatory requirements within the circumscribed area. Changes to the work site shall be submitted by Contractor and approved by Owner.
Work Site means any motor vehicle, office, building, yard or other location at which the driver is to perform work.
Work Site means the actual location where participants perform their duties.
Work Site means any CP Property where CP Personnel or Contractor Personnel are present, or permitted to be present, while engaged in any Work, including any railway equipment, Mobile Equipment and highway vehicles operated by or used to convey a person engaged in such Work. This applies also to work immediately adjacent to CP property, which can pose a risk to safe railway operations (i.e., blasting, excavation next to Right-of-Way (ROW), etc.).