Administrator Records definition
Examples of Administrator Records in a sentence
Office orDivision:Provincial Administrator (Records Section)Classifications:SimpleType ofTransactions:G2G – Government to GovernmentWho may avail:PGLDN Official and EmployeesCHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE1.
Administrator Records: Public Agency/Official consists of office files documenting the substantive actions of elected or appointed officials andconstitute the official record of an agency’s performance of its functions and formulation of policy and program initiative.
Army commands, through the servicing Records Management Official (RMO) (Records Administrator, Records Manager, or Records Coordinator), will establish record keeping requirements and retention periods for the AIS through notification and coordination with the Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA).
Moreover, the serious nature of the misconduct, relevant case law, and Respondent’s failure to participate in this proceeding militate in favor of imposing the presumptive sanction of disbarment.
Priority 12) Support implementation of Shared Services Activities – Laserfiche On February 12, the County Administrator, Records Management Officer and Director of Information Services met with Liz Mistretta of General Code to discuss maximizing County use of exiting Laserfiche assets in preparation for soliciting Town / Village participation in the 2019 State Local Government Records Management Improvement grant process.
Office or Division:Provincial Administrator (Records Section)Classifications:SimpleType of Transactions:G2G – Government to GovernmentWho may avail:PGLDN Official and EmployeesCHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE1.
Office orDivision:Provincial Administrator (Records Section)Classifications:SimpleType ofTransactions:G2G – Government to Government, G2C- Government to CitizenWho may avail:National Line Agencies, PGLDN Official and Employees, Private IndividualsCHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECUREVouchers with complete supporting documents (1 copy only) Concerned client CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONFEES TO BEPAID PROCESSING TIME PERSONS RESPONSIBLE 1.
Trial court record retention and disposal schedules are approved by the State Court Administrator; Records Management Services of the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget; the Archives of Michigan; the Attorney General; and the State Administrative Board.
March 20, 1947, RG 169, Office of the Administrator, Records Analysis Division, Historical Monographs Prepared Outside the Division, Box 5.
They provide advisory services to managerial officials and other BLM users.Furthermore, they are responsible for coordinating CM activities with their local IT Security Administrator, Records Administrator, Data Administrator, Help Desk personnel, project managers, system owners, and sponsors.