Examples of AEP Regulations in a sentence
They will use that data only for the purpose of: complying with the provisions of the AEP Regulations including the production and/or implementation of any Action Plan; monitoring and improving the Environmental Performance of the Premises; and measuring the Environmental Performance of the Premises against any agreed targets.
They will use that data only for the purpose of: complying with the provisions of the AEP Regulations including the production and/or implementation of any Action Plan; monitoring and improving the Environmental Performance of the Premises and the Estate; and measuring the Environmental Performance of the Premises and the Estate against any agreed targets.
They will use that data only for the purpose of: complying with the provisions of the AEP Regulations including the production and/or implementation of any Action Plan; monitoring and improving the Environmental Performance of the Premises and the Building; and measuring the Environmental Performance of the Premises and the Building against any agreed targets.
Monitoring is typically undertaken quarterly.Water quality monitoring results are compared to the acceptance criteria outlined in Schedule 2 of the AEP Regulations.
To ensure compliance with the AEP Regulations, Perth Airport:• maintains an Environmental Site Register, detailing all known areas of contamination on the estate,• collaborates with the AEO and tenants in the investigation, management and remediation of known contaminated sites, and• monitors and reports annually on all known sites of soil contamination.Site environmental management is also addressed in sub-leases between Perth Airport and its tenants.
Regulatory tools, such as the AEP Regulations, Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 (Cth) (DG Act) and other requirements, are in place to assist with the management of hazardous materials and other chemicals.
If exceedances of the AEP Regulations occur from tenant activities, Perth Airport will work with the tenants and Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications to ensure appropriate corrective actions are implemented.
Site operations must be undertaken in accordance with sub-lease agreements, the Airports Act, AEP Regulations and this Environment Strategy.The management of per- and poly-fluoro alkyl substances (PFAS) is detailed in Section 9.14.
The AEP Regulations include a general duty to prevent offensive noise.
Where prevention is not practical, the duty to minimise the generation of offensive noise applies.Schedule 4 of the AEP Regulations provides Excessive Noise Guidelines which establish a set of indicators to determine if noise is excessive and provides guidance for consideration of sensitive and commercial receptors.