Examples of Affected landowner in a sentence
Affected landowner information is critical to the processing of the application and any errors may cause significant delays in processing the application.
Affected landowner consultation was carried out in mid-2013 on the Quantitative Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessments for Whakatāne, Ōhope and Matatā.
Affected landowner consent or involvement will be a necessary consideration for the Panel, but there are a number of other74 Legal Submissions of Federated Farmers, 6 May 2016, at paragraph 8.75 Legal Submissions of Federated Farmers, 6 May 2016, at paragraph 11.76 Closing remarks and points of clarification on behalf of Auckland Council Topic 037 Mana Whenua Sites, 24 July 2015.factors relevant to assessing the merits of site-specific submissions and the effect that the relief sought may have.
Definitions For the purpose of this Guidance: Affected landowner means an owner of real property interests who is usually referenced in the most recent county or city tax records, and whose real property: (1) is located within either 0.25miles of a potential NIETC or at a minimum distance specified by state law, whichever is greater; or (2) contains a residence within 3,000 feet of a potential NIETC.
An employment consequence: submission or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions.