Examples of Hazardous Liquid Pipeline in a sentence
PHMSA does not expect this revision to increase the burden of reporting.Affected Public: Hazardous liquid pipeline operators.Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Burden:Total Annual Responses: 847.Total Annual Burden Hours: 52,429.Frequency of collection: On Occasion.
DOT Goal/Outcome: SafetyReduction in injuries and fatalities: Number of pipeline incidents involving death or major injury DOT Goal/Outcome: Environmental SustainabilityReduction in pollution: Hazardous liquid pipeline spills with environmental impacts.
Hazardous liquid pipeline networks also include pump stations, which move the product through the pipelines, and storage terminals.
This proposal would result in a modification to the Hazardous Liquid Accident Report form (Form PHMSA F 7000-1) to include the concept of “confirmed discovery” as proposed in this rule.Affected Public: Hazardous liquid pipeline operators.
Section 195.452 requires operators of pipelines that cannot accommodate an in-line inspection tool to file a petition in compliance with § 190.9. These mandatory notifications help PHMSA to stay abreast of issues related to the health and safety of the nation’s pipeline infrastructure.Affected Public: Hazardous liquid pipeline operators.Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Burden:Estimated number of responses: 110.
PHMSA estimates that based on the proposals in this rule, the current information collection burden for the following information collections will be revised as follows:Title of Information Collection: Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline: Recordkeeping and Accident Reporting.OMB Control Number: 2137–0047.Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information collection.Abstract: Hazardous liquid pipeline operators must keep records to ensure that their pipelines are operated safely.
Type of Request: Revision.Abstract: PHMSA is looking to revise the Hazardous Liquid Accident Report Form (PHMSA F 7000-1) to allow for the submission of additional information regarding the pipe in relation to girth weld failures.Affected Public: Hazardous liquid pipeline operators.
Hazardous liquid pipeline includes trunk and gathering lines for crude-oil pipeline.