Examples of Agencies Note in a sentence
Contractor is required to prominently display the following language on all Price Guides and contract updates to agencies relative to the award: Agencies Note: Some products/services in this contract may be available from one or more Preferred Sources.
Agencies are reminded to comply with the statutory requirements and guidelines with respect to affording first priority to the preferred sources.Contractors are required to prominently display the following language on all price lists and contract updates to agencies relative to the award: Agencies Note: Some products in this contract may be available from one or more preferred sources.
Resultant Contractors will be required to prominently display the following language on all price lists and contract updates to agencies relative to the award: Agencies Note: Certain products/services in this Contract are available from one or more preferred sources.
If WF allows U/W to select Rating Agencies, Note: AAA Class will be rated by there may be additional fees incurred.
Contractor will be required to prominently display the following language on all pricelists and Contract updates to agencies relative to the award: Agencies Note: Some products/services in this Contract may be available from one or more Preferred Sources.
Resultant contractor will be required to prominently display the following language on all price guides and contract updates to agencies relative to the award: Agencies Note: Some products/services in this contract may be available from one or more Preferred Sources.
Resultant Contractor will be required to prominently display the following language on all pricelists and Contract updates to agencies relative to the award: Agencies Note: Some products/services in this Contract may be available from one or more Preferred Sources.
Section 1956.2 Fleet Rule for Transit Agencies Section 1956.3 Zero-emission Bus Requirements Section 1956.4 Reporting Requirements for all Urban Bus Transit Agencies Note: The entire text of these sections is new language to be added to the California Code of Regulations.
EXHIBIT 2-4Benefits of the HELP One-Stop System as Rated by State Agencies Note: Values reflect the number of responses in each category.
Slide 15:What’s Required of Recipients of Federal Funds and Federal Agencies Note that if they are doing the entire training, this subject will be covered at length in the second segment on Legal and Ethical Requirements for more information on the federal mandates.