Note definition
Examples of Note in a sentence
Name(s) Capacity Name & signature of witness Date Note: If a tenderer wishes to submit alternative tenders, use another copy of this Form of Offer and Acceptance.
Note: W-9s submitted for any other entity name other than the Grantee’s will not be accepted.
Note, if not checked and signed, this is interpreted as “consent not given.” Patient/Guardian Signature • NGS cannot accurately sequence repetitive regions, such as trinucleotide repeats.
Note: The salary rate limitation does not restrict the salary that an organization may pay an individual working under an HHS contract or order; it merely limits the portion of that salary that may be paid with federal funds.
Please also read carefully the section below entitled “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.” The market price for our common stock is volatile and may fluctuate significantly in response to a number of factors, many of which we cannot control, such as quarterly fluctuations in financial results, the timing and our ability to advance the development of our product candidates or changes in securities analysts’ recommendations could cause the price of our stock to fluctuate substantially.