Examples of SPECIAL NOTE in a sentence
SPECIAL NOTE FOR PROJECT QUESTIONS DURING ADVERTISEMENTQuestions about projects during the advertisement should be submitted in writing to the Division of Construction Procurement.
SPECIAL NOTE FOR PROJECT QUESTIONS DURING ADVERTISEMENT Questions about projects during the advertisement should be submitted in writing to the Division of Construction Procurement.
SPECIAL NOTE FOR PIPE INSPECTIONContrary to Section 701.03.08 of the 2012 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and Kentucky Method 64-114, certification by the Kentucky Transportation Center for prequalified Contractors to perform laser/video inspection is not required on this contract.
SPECIAL NOTE FOR COMPOSITE OFFSET BLOCKSContrary to the Standard Drawings (2016 edition) the Cabinet will allow 6” composite offset blocks in lieu of wooden offset blocks, except as specified on proprietary end treatments and crash cushions.
The Supplemental Specifications can be found at the following link:http://transportation.ky.gov/Construction/Pages/Kentucky-Standard-Specifications.aspx 1I SPECIAL NOTE FOR PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS This Special Note will apply when indicated on the plans or in the proposal.